Today’s Military Spouse

Combat The Spouse Rumor Mill

You’ve heard them: the whispers at the bus stop; the snickers at the unit event; the gasps at the wine night. All of these sly conversations center around rumors. “I heard that they’re swingers.” “It’s my understanding that they’re getting a divorce.” “I am pretty sure that those two are having an affair.” “I just […] Read more…

10 Ways to Beat the Duty Station Blues

There’s no place like home…unless you can’t stand where you’re stationed. There are numerous reasons why “bloom where you’re planted” can sound a bit idealistic at times. Perhaps you’re in the middle of nowhere, in a climate that doesn’t agree with you, in a country where English isn’t the primary language, you can’t find a […] Read more…

ROSIE Military Lifestyle Planner: Designed for Today’s Military Spouse

Military life is wonderful…but it’s also chaotic, busy, unpredictable and ever-changing. As milspouses we’re expected to both bloom where we’re planted while also hurrying up and waiting. Honestly, striking a balance can be a challenge. With constant changes and surprise demands, flexibility, positivity and organization are a must! That’s why I have a secret weapon. […] Read more…

Milspouses Share: Reintegration Tips

Military life involves many hellos and goodbyes, with deployment being the most intense example. You and your spouse can spend anywhere from a few months to a year apart, all the while dreaming of the beauty of homecoming. At first, things are perfect, then you remember/notice things that you had practically forgotten about. Little hiccups […] Read more…

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