This article Putting The Commissary To The Test got me to thinking :

Lately I’ve been complaining a lot about the rising cost at the commissary. It doesn’t help that we’re stationed here in Hawaii and food is just expensive in general.

So while I am now paying close to $3.00 just to get a good loaf of bread it beats paying $5 or $6 at the local grocery stores outside post.

I know when we were stationed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, GA, there were certain key items I brought weekly for my kids such as Pop Tarts and Fruit Snacks. I would absolutely get a kick out of how one week poptarts were a $1.50 a box and the next week they were $2.01 a box. The same thing would happen with the fruit snacks. I mean, geez what happened in a week that cost for a 50 cent rise in price lol!

But for any CONUS ladies have you noticed your commissary prices getting higher?



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