If you read my blog no secret my husband ETS’ed out of Active Duty but…there’s more! Doesn’t look like the Army is going away anytime soon …find out why in the video below: httpv://youtu.be/6XOIxdscDAc Read more…
Top 10 Best Things About Living Onpost
Despite some of the annoyances of living on post there were many aspects I enjoyed about it. For me personally many of them were financially related. I recently asked the spouses over at the Army Wife 101 fan page what were some of their favorite things about living onpost. I compiled some of those answers […] Read more…
Dear 18 year old me….( A letter to the younger Marine wife in me)
*I am sure military spouses no matter what branch can relate to this* Guest Post As my Marine and I approach our 15 year wedding anniversary, I have been thinking a lot about what I would want the 18 year old me when I said “I do” not only to my Marine but to the […] Read more…
Work At Home Companies Sign On To Hire Military Spouses Through White House Initiative…What’s Wrong With That?
I have always talked about working from home. In fact I started working from years ago ,first as a dispatcher for an adult phone company and then as a customer service representative for a company where I took orders for informericals. Before you judge me on the adult phone thing , I will have you […] Read more…
My Favorite Military Housing
Wives ask me all the time “Does ____ have nice military housing”? In my case shockingly I am not quite sure if I can say Schofield had the best military housing even though I had a new home. I would have to go on record as saying I enjoyed my home on Hunter Army Airfield […] Read more…
The Combat Pay Debacle…When People Don’t Read!
The other day I got wind of an article on a political blog that panicked many people into believing that somehow President Obama was being this horribly mean cruel man and taking away combat pay from our military. The article I saw (which I refuse to even link) purposely left out the first main paragraph […] Read more…