I have been seaching on here for the type of housing Fort Schofield has since we just received orders. We are to be there by April of 2011 ,can you give me any web sites that have pictures to look at to prepare myself as in what to expect.
Thank you so much

Hi Sheena,
Thanks for writing!
I am actually stationed at Schofield Barracks and live in new housing.

One of the main reasons you may not be finding the correct info is because it is called Schofield Barracks not Fort Schofield . This can make all the difference in your search.
You can view some popular info on housing on my site at: https://armywife101.com/2010/10/pcsing-to-hawaii-faqs-schofield-barracks-housing.html

The official site for Army Hawaii Housing is:http://www.islandpalmcommunities.com/
I hope this is of help to you!
Best of luck :)



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4 Comments on Ask Army Wife 101:Housing Question

  1. I keep seeing comments from people saying that how proud they are they have new housing here on Schofield Barracks but no ones is saying how some of us are being treating, we pay a higher BAH rate and have the oldiest center block housing here..They are run down and Island Palms has no intentions on tearing them down. I was told that they will be torn down in 2014 which is outrageous and people here with no kids getting 3 bedrooms or have 2 kids and getting brand new 5 bedrooms. It is quite frankly a insult to the senior enlisted to have put in there time and served faithfully to have to deal with this type of thing, The school are the worst and as for spouses getting job if you are not a local then good luck finding one. They openly state that if you dont live here then you won’t get a good job at all. How is this, that is so beyond messed up so if you anyone is headed here I wish you luck and get ready for the Aloha syndrome (Lazy)….I wish people stop painting this non- exstient picture of Hawaii…

  2. She doesn’t paint a picture that this place is great. All the person asked for is housing information. I have 1 kid and have a 3 bedroom new house. Yes I’m proud of it and my husband hard work. Yes the schools suck and it’s hard to get a job. But people all over the world who are civilians are having issues getting jobs because the economy is bad. We should be thankful for what we have because there is always someone else in a worse situation. At least we our husbands being in the military it is a steady income, healthcare and house to live in.

  3. My husband is new to the army family. He leaves next month for boot camp and AIT. After AIT how long is it before i can move with him?

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