Today I am checking my email and I get an email from a guy telling me him and his company have just produced this web series on AOL called “Greetings From Home”. At first I was like ack not another sad sappy deployment story. Not that those are bad but I try to avoid depressing you all because I know how hard this life can be .
Anyway I just saw Episode One and it was HILARIOUS! If you want to see deployment from a different angle and need a good laugh then you are in a for a real treat. I also enjoyed that Estelle Harris who you will recognize from a boat load of commercials and as the mom in “Seinfield” not to mention Missi Pyle who was hilarious in “Bringing Down The House” are in the series.
This is definitely one of those things to watch in the evening when you finally have got some me time and need to think about something other then life!
When career soldier Pete Griffin is sent back home to serve at the army base near his family’s home, his wife, nurse wife Patty, is deployed to Afghanistan, leaving him to raise his daredevil son Chris and moody adolescent daughter Becky. Helping Pete overcome the obstacles of single fatherhood are the neighborhood army wives: Sue, an older grounded woman, Emma, a sassy pregnant intellectual, Roberta, an overweight airhead, and Missy, a teenage bride and older sister figure to Becky.
You can catch the other episodes on AOL at “Greetings From Home” but just in case you forget I will be featuring an episode here each week!
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