A great blogger friend of mine , an Army Wife and an amazing photographer (seriously her pictures are just in a different class of their own…If you don’t believe me check out her portfolio here) is running a really great holiday special for families who are stationed in the following areas of Germany:
And all other cities that are within an hour from Weisbaden, Germany.
The Deal:
Until December 8, 2012 for 120$ /95.00 € clients will receive 15 edited/retouched images on a digital file (CD rm/flash drive) and a custom holiday greeting card template using one image of their choice (they can use this template to print however many cards they need). Must be paid in full at the time of booking in order secure their time slot. At the time of booking, clients will receive a 30 min consultation so that we can go over the theme of their shoot and wardrobe ideas.
Clients will also receive final images in 7 days.
Only 10 slots are available and because of the quality of the work and people needing photos for their Christmas Cards I know mil-peeps are going to be all over this!
This offer is good until December 18th, 2012.
If you would like to book your session email info@bessieakuba.com
You may also contact her via her Twitter :@bessieakuba Facebook : facebook.com/FabulousDoGooder and Blog bessieakuba.com .
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