Kansas City Photos
This photo of Kansas City is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Actually the lyrics are more like “I’m going to Kansas City…Kansas City here I come”! In any event I will be flying out to Kansas City , Missouri next week thanks to Applebee’s to attend their Behind the Menu Blogger’s Summit in which I was invited to visit their headquarters. I will get an exclusive behind the scenes look at what goes into planning their menu  , how ideas come about , as well as try out various dishes and learn some healthy cooking techniques myself.

Being the “Foodienista” that Army Wife 101 is, I am extremely excited about trying out three of their newest Weight Watcher dishes that will make their appearance on Applebee’s menus across the country on February 20th.

I also love any place that supports our troops!

Speaking of healthy cooking I know you all remember sometime ago I said I was going to be eating better but not really dieting. One of the things I struggle with is eating properly outside the house . So since I eat at Applebee’s pretty often it will be nice to know more about their low calorie menu and other fun secrets.

Want to join in on my travels? Just be sure to stay tuned to the  Army Wife 101 Facebook fan page and if you’re on Twitter follow me @ArmyWives101. I will be tweeting , vlogging and sharing it all on February 17th!



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5 Comments on I’m Going To Kansas City…Applebee’s City Here I Come

  1. This is great – you will get to meet my sister. She is the PR rep for Applebees in Kansas City. I myself am an army wife… my sister and I are texting about your visit as we speak. Enjoy!

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