If you’re a label snob ( we all are in some form) then you may not be interested in private label items better known as the “off brand”.
However, to the budgeting military family it’s usually more wallet friendly to purchase certain items that are off not brand name. Most stores these days have their own brand of products. For instance Walmart has “Equate and Great Value while Target has Market Pantry.
Learn more about the Commissaries private labels below:
“The Defense Commissary Agency has selected MDV SpartanNash LLC to bring private label products to store shelves.
“Our customers have been asking for private label for a long time,” said Joseph H. Jeu, DeCA’s director and CEO, citing a DeCA patron survey in which 60 percent of respondents said they would like to see a commissary private label offering.
“They are smart, savvy shoppers who know that private label products are cost-effective alternatives to national brands. We’re excited to help them save more at our commissaries.”
Private label products are offered by a retailer under their own, in-house brand or under a brand developed by their suppliers. Retailers are able to do this by working directly with suppliers.
Commissaries will add private label options to their assortments, while continuing to offer the name brands that patrons have always shopped.
DeCA conducted a rigorous selection process to identify the right supplier. “Throughout the process, our goal was to find a partner that could provide quality products to our patrons at a savings level that is equivalent to or better than what they find from private label products at commercial grocers,” Jeu said.
Over the next several months, DeCA will work closely with SpartanNash to decide on an initial assortment of products to introduce. The initial assortment should be available at all commissaries worldwide in May 2017 and will include approximately 400 items.
Private label items will continue to grow to approximately 1,000 items by the end of 2017. Over the next two years DeCA will continue to add more private label products to the commissary stock assortment.
For more information on DeCA’s private label program, visit the transformation FAQs available on commissaries.com“.
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