I admit I have a full collection of military wife advice books. I might just say I have them all, the good, the bad and the boring! When Krystel asked me to do a review of the new book,” Now You Tell Me!: 12 Army Wives Give the Best Advice They Never Got”, I was a bit skeptical. I know that after 12 years as an Army Wife myself I have that attitude of been there done that, what can anyone tell me now? Well apparently a whole lot!
The first entry in this book is from Beth Chiarelli, and she gives some GREAT advice. I have moved 9 times, but the next time we PCS I am taking one of Beth’s tips with me! I ALWAYS unpack the kitchen first, but she suggests unpacking the master bedroom first so you can go to bed and wake up without a feeling of chaos and boxes everywhere when you start your day! I think this is the best idea and I plan to try it!
As I read the book I found myself making little notes at the end of each chapter with little tips. This book tells it all, everything from what to expect in the beginning of your Army life to what to do during deployments. This book would be a great gift to any new Army bride. I wish I would have had this in my goodie bag at my very first “wifey” function! It would have saved me lots of stress and wasted time trying to maneuver being married to the military!
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. All opinions are my own and no other form of compensation has been received for it.
Celeste is a mom of 2 (autism momma) an army wife, Rodan and Fields user and rep, world traveler and blogger. She currently lives in Hawaii where her husband is stationed and on most days is working on her business, driving kids to and from activities all while working to maintain a healthy and fit life. She is the newest contributor to Army Wife 101 and is also a blogger over at Skinny Mom
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