Ever had a candle that you loved so much and the wick burns out but you still have a ton of the fragrant candle wax left? Find out how you still can use that left over wax as I show you below…
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Official Lifestyle Blog For Today's Army Wife
Ever had a candle that you loved so much and the wick burns out but you still have a ton of the fragrant candle wax left? Find out how you still can use that left over wax as I show you below…
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What a great idea, thanks!
OMGOSH! that is awsome… i have a huge maple candle that i bought a while back & it smelt sooooo good & the wic had burnt out.. i dont kow why i ddnt throw it away… i left it in the bathroom where it was placed when i got it…Usualy i throw out everything.. but ia m soo glad i didnt! this issooooooooo smart! thank you so much! =)
Thanks for your comments everyone and I am glad my little tip has helped some people out.
@Sairah wow that is awesome! You probably will be able to get good use out of that candle then, especially if it is a big one!
OMG Crystal I wish I had known about this sooner before I threw out my candles. OH well NOWWWW I know. Thanks for sharing.
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