Day after day the top question on the Army Wife 101 Facebook Fan page is : “Can you tell me about (insert military base here)?

I am starting a post review guide here at  so that you guys can refer back to first hand reviews from military spouses who have lived to wherever your next home is.

In order to do so I need you guys to help me by simply filling out this form and reviewing a base whether you lived there in the past or currently do.

The form is really easy and should only take minutes. Once you are done with it simply hit the submit button and I will receive all the information instantly.

If you have pictures of your housing onpost that would like to submit to go with your review simply email them to and put ” Base Housing for (the base you are reviewing goes here). Make sure to send them from the same email address on the form so I know which review to place them with.

I hope this will be a huge help to you.

Happy PCS’ing!



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3 Comments on Army Wife 101 Wants Your Army Post Reviews…The Good The Bad And The Ugly!

  1. I submitted because the base I live on is Joint Reserve Base we have lots of Army, active, reserve and NG. I think it is important for your readers to know about the base and not be scared away when they get the “dreaded” orders to……. New Orleans! We have been here for three years and have loved our tour!!! It is possible!

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