You are a go-getter. You have decided that in addition to military life, you want something that is all yours. Welcome to the wild ride of being a milspouse who is in business for her-/himself. It is a constant balancing act, but you know that the payoff is worth it. It’s more than just the money — it’s the feeling of accomplishment.

Before I became a milspouse, I worked a full-time job. I held a career in public relations and loved the responsibility, professionalism and creativity that came with the package.

Three years into my role as an Army wife and a mother, I began writing. My work was submitted to and accepted by various outlets. Things developed from a casual pastime to a profitable work-from-home opportunity.

Although some days it is challenging to juggle my home/family responsibilities with professional opportunities, I manage to find success, strong connections and never miss a deadline. The work has paid off and it feels incredible.

A Day in My Life

Owning a business and/or working from home in conjunction with the military lifestyle can be the ultimate juggling act. I will present an example of my day with you:


  • I wake up early to work out and drink coffee before my little dears start to stir. I spend the morning racing to get my child ready for school on time.
  • I then frantically clean before the children I am babysitting arrive. While they play, I schedule a social media post, check work emails, and receive responses from an interviewee for a future article.
  • After they leave, my youngest son and I Skype with my deployed husband before I get my son off to afternoon preschool.


  • I begin writing two different articles and realize that I have forgotten to eat. I grab a quick bite, manage invoices and organize a spreadsheet with published work. I review an editorial calendar and resume writing. I reheat some coffee.
  • I pick up my first child from school. I realize that I am still in my workout clothes. When home, I make another social media post and grab my other child from his bus.
  • I feed them a snack and then speak with my editor regarding new sponsored opportunities. I spend time with my boys before making dinner.


  • I help with homework, clean the kitchen, and fold laundry. I then put the kids in the bath and get them to bed.
  • I come downstairs for a snack, schedule the last social media post for the day and resume writing my articles. I find stock photos to accompany each piece and edit those to include my article titles.
  • Once work is done, I turn on Netflix and pour a little wine. Sadly, after only 15 minutes, I realize that I am too tired to watch anything. I go to bed instead.

Get Microsoft Office At A Discount

Being in business for yourself as a milspouse isn’t always easy. With the right mindset, support and tools, you can find success! (And you may even make it look easy!)

Have you heard of the incredible deal on the Microsoft Office Home Use Program? This Software Assurance benefit comes with a wonderful military discount — it’s only $9.95! Your new Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 Suite includes all the tools you need to keep you organized, professional and on top of your game. You will receive:

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  • Access
  • Publisher
  • Skype for Business

To take advantage of this phenomenal deal to help organize and further your small business, please click here.

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Microsoft.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are our own.



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