So I admit that I am like a serious weirdo at times and do things that totally irritates my husband and kids because I get a kick out of it. Shall we say it’s my form of entertainment! For years I have been singing a song way before the singer of that song died. The problem is not that I sing that song. It’s that I do it multiple times a day in random places and it’s been that way for about 3 years.
Check out what exactly it is I do below:
What’s your Friday Confession?
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First of all you have a fantastic singing voice! I love that you randomly sing that in different places. I seriously am laughing over here because I can picture that.
My confession is that I am seriously neurotic about cleaning. So much so that I will walk really close to someone and find a reason to bump (literally) to wipe crumbs or whatever it is away (if it’s in an appropriate spot of course). I seriously can’t help myself. That is embarrasses my boys as well.
My husband is the same way if he sees someone out of uniform. If he doesn’t go correct the issue he seriously stews about it until the issue is fixed. It also is embarrassing depending on the other person’s reaction.
I actually not on certain days of the month just random when Im at a stop light or stop sign will roll down my window if I see the other person window is roll down and say has any one told you lately how good looking you our if its a guy mind you or if its a female I will say keep on smiling just stuipd things seriously you should see the looks I get but I think its funny and so much fun been doing it for about 6 years.. The best part single military guys love it they think, Im hitting on them when, Im not!