2011 has been an amazing, hard , fulfilling and accomplishing year. I have gained an awesome and wonderful readership ,made great friendships and learned so much about people and myself.
My readers played such an integral part in the things I did because alot of it was from your encouragement and I truly want to thank you for it.
In no particular order here are some of the awesome and crazy things that happened to me this year.
1. Getting to meet actress singer and Cover Girl Queen Latifah was just a total O-M-G moment for me . The fact that I got to interview her was even more amazing. I learned that celebs are regular people too. She was extremely nice!
2. Appearing on MSNBC on “The Ed Show” not only was exciting but it was a start to the new me. At that moment I broke out of my shyness and was determined that I wasn’t going to let anything hold me back from my dreams or opportunities presented to me.
3. Flying by myself was an accomplishment for me. I had flown before many times but never alone. To some people it’s no big deal but to me it was like a life or death matter for whatever crazy reason. The point is I did it and can’t wait to do it again.
4. I left that damn rock known as Oahu, Hawaii. I lived there, I tried to make the best of it but I am so glad to be back on the mainland ahhhh!
5. I almost died. My family was almost killed as well. I walked away from an accident that should have took my life with just a torn ACL and some scrapes. I will never take life for granted again.
6. I was quoted all over the internet by the Associated Press. That’s a big thing in itself.
7. I gained more readers and made so any wonderful friends and I am forever grateful!
I want to wish everyone a happy and wonderful 2012. May you have all the desires of your heart!
Army Wife 101 will be back better then ever for 2012!
Tell me what was the most amazing thing that happened to you in 2011?
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I had a piece published in a book, was mentioned in Military Spouse and Central Penn Parent – Capabilities magazines, and launched another site. I also grew my readership, networked with more milspouses and autism parents, and I hope to do more in 2012.
Good for you Krystel! You gotta give yourself a pat on the back!
You did awesome things this year and I’m sure you’ll continue to do more! I’ve only been following you for a short time but I can already tell you’re a great, caring person. You deserve all of these great things! The best thing that happened to me this year is I got to marry my best friend, soldier, and hero :) Couldn’t ask for anything better. Happy new year!
Thanks Michelle so much I am glad to have you here!
Congrats on being a newlywed and have an awesome 2012!
Happy New Year. I still can not believe that accident and how lucky you all are to be here.
Most amazing thing for me in 2012 was giving birth to my 2nd son.
Nothing like having a beautiful baby…Congrats to you Nolie and Thank You!
Hey Deborah,
Thank you for the encouraging words and thanks so much for your support here and on RMWTV!
We had a busy year in 2011 I am just ready for 2012 to be more laid back and less stressful. We had our 1st PCS, our 1st thanksgiving & Christmas without our family and I started school.
My goal for 2012 is to lay back and enjoy our time here in Hawaii :)