Many of us still have loved ones deployed overseas and are always looking for tips and tricks to make great affordable care packages.
Veterans United sent me this helpful video to help you put together care packages with helpful tips about weight, proper packing and getting more bang for your buck.
Share your care package tips below!
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Krystel is the mom of two and an Army Wife. In addition to Army Wife 101 she is the Co-Founder of a digital media agency that connects brands with the military market.
She has appeared on MSNBC ,FOX LA and formerly was a weekly contributor to HLN's "Raising America". She has written for various outlets including Sheknows and Lifetime and is a big fan of cupcakes and french fries.
These are all very great ideas for sure! That flat rate box is the best choice, definitely. It was the only thing I used when I sent care packages to my husband while he was deployed.
Be careful when sending anything in a powder form that’s not in its original package! For example, I once sent hubby some recovery formula that I put in a zippy bag because the bottle it came in was too large to fit in the flat rate box. Hubby said it busted on the way over and created a huge mess and went to waste. He was VERY bummed about that :(
I also sent him a lot of tuna in those easy open bags so he didn’t need to use a can opener, and some mayo, mustard, and catch-up I collected from various restaurants. Apparently the food over-seas is terrible and never agreed with hubby’s tummy so I mostly fed him from our own pantry.
Last thing I sent a lot of that supposedly improved the moral of hubby’s entire company were candles I mostly got for free when I was couponing. He said that there was a terrible smell there so any time I got those febreeze candles for free I sent all of them to him. He later told me that most soldiers who came through his office that worked elsewhere were very jealous, lol!
Oh! And don’t forget to send extras for all the soldiers who don’t get anything (you’d be surprised, there’s A LOT of soldiers who don’t get anything the entire time their deployed! It should be a crime!).