This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/P&G.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I love to see people, businesses, and sports team displaying the color pink to help promote the awareness. I proudly wear pink because breast cancer has touched me personally, as both my mother and grandmother are breast cancer survivors. I was too young to remember many first hand details of grandmother’s diagnosis, but I remember my mother’s diagnosis like it was yesterday.

My mom had always been a very healthy individual that exercised and ate a healthy diet. I didn’t think much of it when she went in for her an appointment because she always took great care of herself. A few days later, she called and told me that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Several emotions ran through me and then it hit me – this can truly happen to anyone, even if you are the healthiest person on the planet. I am proud to report that she won her battle after chemotherapy and radiation treatment and has been in remission for several years. As for myself, I realize that I am a prime candidate for breast cancer and take measures to keep myself healthy through a healthy diet, regular exercise, monthly self-exams along with note keeping, and a great relationship with my doctor. I urge you to become proactive and learn about breast cancer now, don’t wait until you or someone you love is diagnosed.

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About P&G’s Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign: 

One in eight women will get breast cancer in her lifetime. One in eight. That is equivalent to an inner circle of girlfriends or the women in an extended family. While breast cancer rates are lower among non-Caucasian women, death rates are higher among African American and Latina women. In fact, every hour and a half a Latina woman dies of breast cancer in the United States.

Early detection is the best defense against breast cancer. The earlier breast cancer is detected, the higher the survival rate. In fact, when detected during the early (localized) stage – the five year survival rate is 98 percent.*

This year, the P&G Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign has partnered with The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to not only educate women, but also the men in their lives, about the importance of early detection. Ladies, you can help save lives by spreading the message that early detection is the best defense in the fight against breast cancer, and creating and following an early detection plan while encouraging others to do the same. Gentlemen, this October, decide when your “day of action” will be and encourage the women in your life to take action and create an early detection plan.

You can visit to hear P&G employees’ inspiring stories about moments made possible in their lives due to early detection and download the NBCF’s Early Detection Plan App, available throughout the month of October.

*National Cancer Institute

About P&G’s Contribution to the National Breast Cancer Foundation

The 2013 P&G Breast Cancer Awareness campaign will help save lives by making a $500,000 donation to The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Since 2008, P&G has donated more than $2.1MM to the NBCF to help save lives through early detection awareness and education. More than 80 percent of all donations to the NBCF go to programs that benefit women.

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(1) winner will win $50 worth of assorted P&G products such as Crest, Venus Gillette , Swifter and more. Entering is easy. Simply leave a comment below about how you plan to practice early prevention tips for breast cancer.

cab (2) (1)Angelique is a proud Army wife and happily married to her husband, Ray. After being PCS’ed from one side of the country to the other, Ft. Bragg, NC, is currently home. She has a degree in Counseling and a career background in Corporate Human Resources. She is an advocate for animal rights and enjoys supporting military and environmental causes. She is an accomplished flute player of 23 years and in her spare time she enjoys crafting, decorating, genealogy, travelling, watching horrible B rated movies, and is obsessed with anything pertaining to Disney. She and Ray are the proud pet parents of two dogs, Maddie and Ringo.



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13 Comments on P&G Breast Awareness Campaign + Giveaway CLOSED

  1. I do self exams and already started getting mammograms. I had an overactive milk duct removed from my right breast, so I watch for anything out of the ordinary.

  2. I do self exams often. I do not think there’s been breast cancer in my family but I try my best to be healthy with hopes that I will never deal with it. Thank you for sharing your story may god bless your grandma and your mom.

  3. I will continue to self exam as I have done for many years and get regular mammograms.

  4. I started examining my breasts often after we fund a suspicious lump in my breast, but thankfully it was nothing!

  5. I am due for a mammogram in a few weeks. So, it is crucial to pay attention to one’s body and be checked out, just in case.

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