This is a sponsored post and all opinions are my own and do not reflect those of P&G.
My precious baby,
You were born on a military base, inside protected gates, just down the street from men and women who serve our country. You had no idea upon entering this world that your daddy would be taken from you months on end. Now, living the military life, it must be so confusing for you.
I’ve seen the surprise welcome home videos of service members surprising their children at school. It always brings happy tears to my eyes to see those children’s faces light up. I wish I could give you the world, but for most military families, like ours, frequent deployments become the norm. It breaks my heart to see your face as daddy walks away and we waive to him, knowing it could be the last time. But after he is out of sight, I know I must be strong for you. And you are strong for me. We become a team, you and I. You make me laugh and I make the hard decisions of being both your mommy and daddy for the time being.
But you are not alone…actually far from it. I believe in you. America believes in you. P&G believes in you!
Yes, the company with brands such as Charmin, Crest, Dawn, Downy, Gain, Luvs, Olay, Pampers and Tide…just to name a few. They believe that all military children are All Stars. You represent all that is precious in this world. You serve without being asked. You never waiver in your love for your military parent. You support the cause and greater good. YOU are an All Star!
That is why P&G believes “Military Kids are All Stars” and in supporting healthy military kids. April is the month of the military child and P&G is dedicated to strong willed and resilient military children like you. You have the unique challenge of facing frequent deployments but you don’t know any other way. This is your way of life. Someday you will see that this made you a stronger child. And when we do have our whole family together, how nice it feels. We hug deeper. We smile wider. We are more appreciative of the time with each other because we know how easily it can be taken from us. It’s an adult lesson to learn at such a young age, but I hope you don’t grow up too soon. I hope these life burdens don’t harden you.
So in an effort to keep you my baby, I choose to shop. That’s right. I will shop till I drop at our local commissary. You know the place well. It’s where you’ve been seen kicking and screaming on the floor. It’s where I go sometimes to have a little “mommy time” and roam the aisles aimlessly while you are being cared for.
I will shop because I want to support the effort for the commissary to have the opportunity to bring a ProCamp to the base. ProCamp will be a great way for you to have fun and meet a new friend, perhaps. It will encourage you to live a healthy and active lifestyle and provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to play football with an NFL player. Wouldn’t that just be so great! How badly I want this for you…and so much more. If we all chip in now through April 8, buying P&G products at the commissary, in support of their campaign, then just maybe it can come true. That is why I will continue to collect and clip my Brand Saver coupons, as much as I may hate to do that, week after week, and head to the commissary where I know the coupons will be accepted.
All military children get to attend the camp FREE! That’s a beautiful word to mommies and daddies everywhere. Because these camps are not open to the public, you will be playing alongside other military children, who understand what you’re going through.Want to know what the camp is like? Well there’s a camp coming up on May 14 and 15 on Fort Bragg, NC. The P&G Larry Fitzgerald Football ProCamp is held in the evening time from 5-8:30pm and is open to boys and girls in grades 1-8. Someday if you go, you will have the opportunity to learn tips and instruction, just like the kids will receive from Arizona All-Pro Wide Receiver. Campers will also participate in touch football games and fundamental football skills. Each child will walk away with an autograph as well as a limited edition P&G football ProCamp t-shirt. Now isn’t that cool?
So while I may not always have the right words to say, I hope you know how much you’re loved. You will always be my All Star. But for now, please cooperate with mommy while we go to the commissary and shop. I will battle the busy aisles and I need you by my side. I promise, it’s all for you.
Love always,
Your biggest fan
Sonia is an Army Wife from Texas and currently resides in Washington state. As a mom of a toddler, with another on the way, she is quickly learning how to balance work and family. She earned her college degree in communications/journalism and recently completed her masters. She freelances for various publications and has dreams of owning her own business in event production to support military families. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, traveling and hanging out in the sunshine.
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