I can proudly say that I have been on my A-game with sticking to my daily commitment of walking or jogging the treadmill at least twice a day. I haven’t weighed myself because frankly I find the crap depressing but I have noticed a significant difference in the way my clothes are fitting. In fact I got into a pair of skinny jeans that I couldn’t get pass my thighs 3 months ago.

As mentioned one of the biggest factors in my quest for a healthier body is my Smooth Fitness Treadmill. It’s an amazing piece of equipment because I can push one button and get a heck of workout. There is another reason why I truly know this exercise machine is amazing… it saved my butt the other day!

I’ve mentioned in the past that the machine has a safety clip on it to cut the machine off in emergencies or in my case clumsiness. Well the other day that clip helped a lot. I was attempting to jog  when somehow my left foot got caught in the bottom of my right pants leg. I totally lost my balance and almost ended up like one of those Youtube treadmill videos. Luckily my weight , the handlebars and lastly the safety clip snapping out at just the right time saved me.

I fell but just on my knees. Had the clip not popped out at the right time, it would have been a mess. Normally I forget to put the clip but I was so glad I had it on this particular day.

I am okay and Monday I will get back to my regularly scheduled work out!

Don’t forget Military qualify for a military discount with Smooth Fitness and they also ship to APO/FPO. Visit Smooth Fitness for details!

Have you ever almost had a Youtube moment on your treadmill?

Disclosure: I received this treadmill as part of the Smooth Fitness Smooth Bloggers program to share my honest opinions. All opinions and  observations are true and my own. You can read my disclosure policy here.



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3 Comments on Smooth Fitness Treadmill Journeys: Weight Loss Updates Plus Emergency Safety Clips Are The Bomb!

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