While the choice whether or not to continue a career in the Armed Forces is essentially up to the service member, it also is a family decision and we dependents tend to play a huge role in it.

Watch below as Sophia from RealMilitaryWives.TV shares her and her husband’s experience as they make the decision whether to stay in the military life or get out.




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5 Comments on Staying In or Getting Out?

  1. Unfortunately, that’s not up to decide. We would stay in and hubby would take any orders (he’s even volunteered to go IA) if given the opportunity.

  2. We faced the possibility of getting out. The people we know that did it the most successfully had jobs and education opportunities to step into as they left. They also had saved a lot of money to have a cushion as the transition. We decided not to because of the economy and our meager savings account. I think stepping from the military world to the civilian world always makes everyone jumpy. Whatever you decide will be good because you will make it good.

  3. I know this is an older blog but I am faced with the same exact adversity right now. I am so curious to know if the woman in the video decided to get out or stay in? My husband and I have been in for seven years and been through two deployments. We are mentally exhausted with all the strain being in the infantry puts on a family. We are also at a cross roads. We either have to sign the papers saying we are getting out now or sign them saying we are going to our next duty station. We do not have children but would really like to start trying to have them. We have a job opportunity if we get out of the military, but within this job opportunity there is no insurance and we will be paying our own taxes. It is such a scary decision and we don’t know if we should have children before we get out and then go on our own or just stay in all together. We would love to be free from “the man” so to speak. To control our own lively hood and make our own decisions. I feel we have sacrificed so very much already and I cant imagine living this lifestyle forever. Another factor is that I have degenerative disc disease in my neck (basically arthritis) and the health insurance is a big deal for me because I have to have certain medications, so this is scary as well. Any advice from anyone would be amazing. We are feeling sort of “STUCK” at the moment. Thank you thank you thank you.

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