Everybody wants a coveted work-from-home career. Our friends at the MilSpo Academy have sponsored this article to tell you exactly what you need to know so you can start earning from home. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

Working from home is life. Never again do I want to wake up early for hair, makeup, business attire (that may be wrinkled), to then get the kids up and ready, drive them to daycare or school, commute in traffic, and sit in an office for eight hours straight. No thank you. I’ll be honest — this is only half the story. After this traditional work day, which repeats for five days straight, I would then have to drive again, pick up my kids, handle dinner, and deal with any surprises that come my way… like a project that is due tomorrow. 

Even if you don’t have kids, getting to and from work takes a lot of time, planning, and energy. Now let’s add on the challenge of being a milspouse: we face holding down the homefront during training, TDYs, the dreaded Panama shift, CQ duty, PCS moves, and deployments. 

Am I right or am I right? So just how does one become fortuitous enough to score a work-from-home position?

Why Milspouses Love to Work from Home

What milspouses need are the FLEXIBILITY and FREEDOM of working from home. It is absolutely life-changing! Here are some perks:

    • You can take your career with you. It doesn’t matter if you move every three years on average. You don’t have to go through the nightmare of job applications and interviews, only to repeat, again and again.
    • It adds consistency to your resume. You can stick with your at-home job for years to come, versus a traditional one, that you’ll have to leave with your next PCS.
    • It makes holding down the homefront easier. When things come up, like your car dies, or your housing has a plumbing issue, you now have the ability to stay around the house during those service visits, or take your laptop with you while getting your car fixed. Murphy’s Law is real, and if you have to call out from your traditional job every time it hits, you may not be employed for long.


  • It puts cash in your pocket. Saving for your financial goals, or raising a family on a single military income isn’t always the easiest. If you have any debt, or if you’re still trying to cover the costs from your last PCS, a second income can help reach your financial goals quickly.


    • You can mom… hard. Kids require extra everything — patience, love, attention, after-school lessons, sick days, medical appointments, etc. If you have to call out every time to make appointments or to give a little TLC, it’s going to add up. Working from home lets you plan your schedule, and gives you flexibility for your little ones.
    • It can improve your health. Constantly eating out or hitting a bar for drinks with coworkers can hit your wallet and add empty calories. When you work from home, you can squeeze in walks, quick strength-training sessions, and you can prepare and enjoy your own healthy meals.


  • You can multitask. When you work from home, you can have dishes in the washer and a load of clothes running while getting your paid work done. When your spouse is gone and you have to do everything while riding solo, this is a game-changer.


  • On the days you’re struggling, you can still “show up.” There are days when it’s just hard. You don’t want to get out of bed, your spouse is in a war zone, you’re stressed, your house is breaking, the bills are coming in, and the kids seem to need you constantly. Being able to work in pajamas, under a favorite blanket, on the couch with your feet propped up, or in bed, is everything. When you’re a milspouse and you’re running the show ALONE, being able to recharge while still meeting your obligations is an incredible perk.

A Remote Career Will Change Your Life

Have I sold you on the lifestyle of working from home? Awesome!

If you haven’t yet heard of the MilSpo Academy, you need to! They are dedicated to helping military spouses find, earn, and outperform in careers that pay well, offer advancement, and provide the opportunity to work remotely.

Here are some highlights about the MilSpo Academy: 

  • They have an “admission to position” experience
  • A placement rate of over 90% for  their graduates
  • A Career Center with resume grooming, interview prep, and job hunt tactics
  • Use of their personal network and partnerships to help you land the job!

Wondering how you’ll pay for their program? Don’t stress about money — financing options are available, and milspouses can use their MyCAA benefit! If you don’t qualify for MyCAA, MilSpo Academy offers payment plans on all programs.

The MilSpo Academy will make the most of your time by teaching you effectively and efficiently. You aren’t going to spend four plus years on a bachelor’s degree that you may or may not use. Instead, MilSpo Academy cuts right to the chase, teaching what you need to know to succeed, to have a profitable work-from-home opportunity in a matter of months!

Course Offerings:

MilSpo Academy offers you short-term and affordable courses in:


  • Business Development and Sales. Learn all the in’s and outs of a program that can lead to careers averaging in earnings of $65,000 per year, while working full-time from home.
  • Virtual Assistant. They’ve teamed up with “90 Day VA” to teach you all the skills needed to help military spouses earn $15-$30 per hour on average in this portable career.
  • Recruiter. The average promotion rate in this field is just 12-18 months, and the average earning potential is $50,000 per year, full time — all from home!
  • Social Media Manager & Digital Marketing. They’ve partnered with “Boot Camp Digital” to teach you how to drive impact in a portable career that yields an average income of $42,000 per year, full time.

Milspouses Can Learn and Earn Today

Don’t put your dreams, goals, and finances on the backburner. You can take courses from home, have them paid for with MyCAA, and in months, start earning a substantial income from the comfort of your own home! MilSpo Academy has your back, and wants to see you succeed — no matter where in the world you are stationed. Go make that money, and do it from home!

For more, please visit: MilSpo Academy







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