Hey everyone I am participating in Household6Diva’s Blizzard Blog Hop in which all of us Blogettes make our way around the super highway visiting other participants blogs and getting to know each other. So although I am pretty sure you have read my about me here are some more cool (okay maybe not that cool… hehe) fact about me.
My name is Krystel and I am the mom of two. I have a 6 year old boy and a soon to be 12 year old girl whom are great kids , avid Wii players and love poptarts. I am married to my awesome husband who is my best friend and the most patient person I know, he is a former Marine and now serves in the Army.
We currently live here in Hawaii on Schofield Barracks and it’s been quite an experience to say the least. After a long year and a half of beautiful sun and island fever we now make our way back to Fort Bragg where my husband is originally from.
I started Army Wife 101 because I am a research nut and I love being online. I spend most of my time online and when I am not online, I go alittle crazy. Needless to stay that craziness was controlled by having my broadband to go with me at all times, until my husband lost it so now I rely on my phone and hopefully that nice brand new shiny Ipad for my birthday…hint hint ahem!
Oh back to the point I started Army Wife 101 because for some reason others have always gravitated to me for help on this life and because I love helping I figured why not start a site where I could share my life and help others with theirs. This site has brought me great opportunities and a chance to meet other awesome military spouses and bloggers from all over. I have talked to people and participated in opportunities that I never thought I would have a chance too.
Wanna continue to follow me?
I am on Twitter
“Like” Army Wife 101 on FB
Check me out on Youtube
And lastly I would love for you to subscribe to me by just plugging your email in the box above on the right side and clicking submit.
Other small facts about me include:
I love road trips
I am a Disney World addict
I love finding sets or pieces from old movies and visiting them.
I would love to attend a French Fry convention one day.
I love cooking and you should visit some of my Foodie Fridays on here.
I can’t wait to hop around to everyone’s blogs and read all of your great post. Happy Blog Hopping!
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YAY!!!! So glad you are joining the party friend!!
I hope you find lots of wonderful blogs to read! :)
French fry convention!…girl, you need to come to Belgium where they were invented…hands down best fries ever! I’ve been following you as you’ve been getting ready to move (okay, that makes me sound like an internet stalker….rephrase that)…anyway, enjoying all the new blogs on Bloghop…Diva6 always comes up with these great ideas…you too, BTW!
Hey There ok I need to make a pitstop in Belgium, don’t they make the waffle fries there lol…yumm! Thanks so much for stopping by!
@Anne Marie I wouldn’t miss it, this is fun and glad to get to know other great bloggers.
@Elizabeth You are right Disney is the best and yes I have visited SOG. I did a post on it sometime back, one of the best places.
Hi, Krystel! I discovered you via the Blizzard BlogHop and wanted to say hello. :) Disney World is theee best ever. If you don’t already stay at Shades of Green, you definitely should.
I found you on the blog hop and now Im following you! Please check out my blog and follow me, http://toesthattwinkle.blogspot.com/ I also wanted to say how much I love your blog and reading the posts!
Aloha lady!! I was raised in Hawaii and am in Germany where my husband is stationed now – I miss home SOOOOOO MUCH. heading home next month actually. I am sorry your stay was so short on our islands! I am stopping by from the Blizzard, love your blog!
Hey! Stopping by from the blog hop!
Hi there!! :) I am a new[ish] Army Wife, and I am excited to learn from you with your Army Wife 101, I love researching things too!! :) I am a new follower!
Hi Adrienne,
Thanks so much for visiting and glad to have you as a new reader :)
Following over from Bloghop :) My girlfriend and her DH just arrived in HI, he is deploying in a couple of months though, so I am glad she gets have pretty scenery while he’s gone. My DH is Army as well and we’re from Utah, currently at Eglin AFB for EOD and loving FL.. look forward to reading more :)
following from the bloghop. Loved ur post.
I’m already a follower and a Facebook fan…just saw your name on the blizzard list and thought I’d say hi!
Stopping by from the bloghop. I already followed you on Twitter, but after reading why you don’t want to be in Hawai’i anymore, here I am following the blog!
Blog hopping today and am your newest a follower! I also liked your FB page and hope you will hop on by to one of my blogs and FB page too!
Just stopping by from Locomotion of Expressions! Found you on a blog hop! Now following! Please follow me via GFC back and lets grow each others ratings! http://1caseycolette.blogspot.com! Cute stuff! xo
I’m a navy wife (submariner) and I am a pull no punches kinda girl. I say whats on my mind, and that’s just me!
I have a lot of active giveaways RIGHT NOW! (13 at last count! .. all low entry!) So drop on over and follow because there are many more to come, plus I blog about our life too! (When I have the time!) Ty for reading this, have a great night!