
CLIF Bars Only $3.39 (10 Pack!) Shipped (& Coupons!)

I have to change up my diet ASAP due to some lovely Tri-Cholesterol thingy’s (let’s just call it that instead of the technical name that none of us can say). Anyways, I have been buying up Larabar’s, Balance and Clif bars, and all these protein/meal bars. Honestly, they are killer good. I never would have thought they were yummy…everrr. But, […] Read more…

FREEBIES from Ink Garden

Order your 10 Free Graduation Invites and Announcements from Ink Garden or save 50% Off Your Entire Graduation Order.   Order your Custom T-Shirt for $2.98 from Ink Garden.   Order your free Placemat from Ink Garden.   Order your free Customizable Grocery Bag from Ink Garden.   Just pay Shipping & Handling on all the freebies! […] Read more…

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