I remember my sheer panic when we were preparing to PCS from GA. I took one look at my blinds and knew that housing was about to take me for every BAH dollar I had left because my four year old’s little cute little grubby hands had got to those cheap blinds that would bend […] Read more…
Just Because You Live Onpost…
Doesn’t mean your child can run free! I bet your saying geeze “What is she rambling about now”? Yesterday while driving home from dinner, my husband and I saw a woman a few streets from our house on the corner standing outside her car crying. Automatically I began to feel bad, because I assumed that […] Read more…

Did You Really Think Electric in Housing Was Gonna Stay Free???
When I lived on Hunter Army Airfield almost 2 years ago they began the implementing of the Mock Billing Process. For those of you unfamiliar with this process it is when, housing monitors your electricity usage and essentially creates a baseline that will be your monthly average . When housing decides to actually began billing, […] Read more…
Army Wife 101:Myths and FAQ’s: Does Living Onpost=Drama???
Army Wife 101: Living Onpost
Hey everyone I apologize in advance for the quality of this video. Sometimes I just like uploading my video directly without having to use the webcam. In any event enjoy the video lot’s of good information and I am sure that I will answer a few of your onpost questions. Read more…
Common Questions About Military Housing
1. What is BAH? BAH is Basic Allowance for Housing. This is the allowance a service member receives as compensation for housing weather living offpost or onpost. If a service member and his dependents move offpost the BAH is theirs to use towards monthly rental or mortgage payments and to offset the cost of some […] Read more…