Sneak Peeq celebrating NEW sneakpeeq MEMBERS with 2 FREE CHARMS – add them to your favorite bracelet or necklace. You can also get creative: put one on a leather cord, a piece of red string for luck, or dangle one from your phone or purse. 2 FREE CHARMS ($16 value) and FREE SHIPPING just for joining sneakpeeq! (we really mean free; no need to buy anything!)
If that is not enough, sneakpeeq is going to give you a FREE $10 new member credit to use on JESSIE STEELE and YES TO CUCUMBERS! Jessie Steele aprons at 75% off – these aprons retail for $22, but your price is only $6 after the FREE $10! Yes to Cucumbers hypoallergenic facial towelettes at 85% off – a two-pack retails for $12, but your price is only $2 after the FREE $10! FREE SHIPPING on everything on FRIDAY ONLY!
Brought to you by Frugal Savings by Army Wife Angela. Links may contain affiliate tracking
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