The trials and tribulations of military life bring about many challenges for military families. Between figuring out all things moving, deploying and getting your family adjusted to a new home, it can leave little to no time for other household to do’s.
Deployments are already hard and Murphy’s law already tends to rear its ugly little head. The unexpected task always comes up, and then there are the “must do’s” which in some cases you may not know how to do— or just don’t have the time.
I’ll be the first to admit that outside lawn work is not my jam. I don’t think I’m to good to do it, I’m just terrified of all things outdoor like bugs and snakes which are pretty popular here in the South.
Project Evergreen
This is where Project Evergreen comes in to save the day. They know that deployments are challenging for military members and their families. And when a service member knows their family is taken care of, they can perform their mission without distraction.
To help deployed service members Project EverGreen’s GreenCare for Troops program connects military families across the nation to complimentary services via volunteers during the duration of their deployment.
Greencare For Troop volunteers range from everyday individuals, and lawn care professionals who donate their time to help military families. This program is available in all 50 states, but not every volunteer will offer every service.
Services include:
- mowing
- Trimming shrubs/bushes/hedges
- aeration
- fertilizing/weed control
- perimeter pest control
- fire ant control
- mosquito control
- spring clean-up
- fall/leaf clean-up
Project Evergreen also has Snowcare for Troops which provides basic snow removal services which is perfect if you live in an area with colder weather and snow.
This is a great service because removing large amounts of snow can actually be dangerous if not done properly. This is helpful to pregnant military spouses or those who may deal with certain ailments.
How To Sign Up
Project Evergreen is a needs based active duty military members for the rank of E-6 and below. Anyone can sign up for the service [no more than 4 weeks before the deployment] on behalf of the military family with a deployed service member, but must make sure they relay important information to the family.
Once the military family is signed up, they will correspond for the duration of the deployment with their assigned program manager. The number and email used at sign up is what will be used for contact.
To sign up you will just need a copy of deployment orders with name, rank and deployment dates. A letter from the service member’s chain of command will also suffice with the above information.
Learn more details about Project Evergreen and sign up HERE.
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