
Every year we all look forward to seeing what our BAH aka housing allowance will be especially if you live offpost.

You will be happy to know that the 2013 housing rates are out . Military personnel can expect about a 3% increase. Also in areas where housing allowance has decreased, service members should know that only applies to incoming personnel and not those who have already been stationed there. Everyone qualifies for the increase though.

You can view rates and learn more details about the new BAH rates at: https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bah.cfm





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8 Comments on It’s Here…2013 BAH Rates Are Out!

  1. No raise AGAIN for a 3rd year :( SO GLAD they don’t make it so it changes up or down with the numbers. Ours is based on when i lived in vegas and we still get more even though weve lived here 2.5 years!

  2. It says $2679 up from $2487. I hope thats for real!! It has been a total culture shock moving from Fort Polk to the D.C. metro area.

  3. I was curious about all the posts I’ve been at so I checked and saw that Ft Wainwright, Ft Sill, and Ft Drum all went up. Since I have only been to three posts, I don’t have as much experience as other spouses but I can honestly say – any increase helps in the three locations I’ve been, whether it be for heating costs, or to simply afford a ‘nicer’ home in a ‘better location’. Also, it is very nice if you have some ‘leftover’ money from BAH so you can allocate it to other necessities or your savings account. I was surprised to hear how little some posts ‘went up’, or to hear that some didn’t or some went down. In my own opinion, and like I said I don’t have much experience in many areas, I believe if they are going to do an increase, it should be for ALL posts.

  4. Aw man. Ours went down here, and Carson goes down too (we’re PCSing in May). Only by a few bucks, so it’s not too dramatic, but it’s still disappointing.

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