
The holidays are coming up and the Christmas shopping will be in full force soon. Some people are looking for gifts that are for memories and then there are those gifts that are just flat out useful.

I recently received a chance to giveaway a $50 Sunoco Gas Giftcard to a lucky reader. I figured in this day and age most people drive and with gas being a necessity a gift card is one gift any family member or friend would be glad to have . Sunoco is happy to share that they offer gas gift cards in increments of $25, $50 and $100. Additionally if you or the person you give the gift card to has a APRewards card they can save money on gas as well and use it together.


You can learn more and purchase Sunoco Giftcards on their Gift Card Page. You can also find out where their locations are to be sure they are near the person who you going to gift one to by clicking here.


Sunoco is giving (1) lucky reader here at AW101 a $50 Sunoco Giftcard. Simply leave a comment below with where you would go right now with a full tank of gas.

must be 18+ years of age or older and live in the USA. Giveaway ends 11/20/13 .



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40 Comments on Just Because : $50 Sunoco Gas Giftcard Giveaway

  1. I would go to visit my grandpa in NC before he passes. Due to a hard pregnancy, I haven’t been able to see him since last Chrostmas season. It would be a wonderful suprise.

  2. $50 worth of gas would be a huge help to our upcoming move to the other side of Bragg. We’re moving from Harnett County out to Raeford so it’s quite the hike as you know Army Wife 101.

  3. I really want to visit our friends in C’ville – haven’t seen them since the boys got home from deployment last year and miss them a ton!

  4. I would use it to go towards our pcs we just found out about LAST WEEK there sending us from NC to CO in 4 weeks!!!! would LOVE extra help on gas!

  5. Road trip! My mom, two sisters and I in one car…forced to get along :) and having a blast! Destination? Someplace random!

  6. I would go to Fort Stewart GA and visit my bestfriend I made while in Germany!!!! My family is in Fort Bragg NC now :-( and her family in GA wish we were right around the corner like before

  7. I would pack up my three boys and go visit my husband who is a wounded warrior at the WTB two states away. It would also help us in our move to be closer to him in two weeks so we can help him recover easier. (Sorry I commented both places, just wanted to cover my bases.)

  8. I would take my babies to Mickeys Very Merry Christmas Party at Disneyland in Orlando. It will be my baby boy’s first Christmas ! :-)

  9. I’d love to go for a nice Sunday drive to visit my Aunt, Uncle, one of my cousins and her husband/kids (including a new son I have yet to meet) – they live about 2 hours away so I don’t get to see them much and they happen to live right near the beach and tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day. It would be fabulous.
    Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

  10. I would take my mister to visit his mother for the holidays. Many thanks to you and Sunoco for offering such a wonderful giveaway.

  11. I dont know my comment didnt show, but I posted after Nataly yesterday night! I said that I would love to see my mom!! :) Thanks so much!

    • You can see where I had publicly recommended it yesterday on Google, which is timestamped. So weird it didnt go through!

  12. Right now I’d be waiting til morning and then driving to Pueblo to go to Bingo Burger and the zoo! It’s a place that uses local beef and produce, even local ice cream in their shakes. And nobody goes to the zoo when it snows so we would have it all to ourselves!

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