Love my makeup but I hate to spend alot. Here is one of the eyeshadow looks and color compacts that I love that you can get for under $4.50 and sometimes less (when onsale) at the PX. I got the one in the video below for $2.50 at the Fort Bragg PX some months ago.
Quick Giveaway
You can win 2 of these duo compacts
Just leave a comment below telling me what duo set you would try by clicking HERE!
Bonus Entry
Complete entry above to do a bonus entry
1. Visit any of my blog post and click the FB button beneath it to share with your friends. Leave a comment telling me the post you shared.
Giveaway ends 8PM EST tonight…Leave a valid email so that I may contact you if you are the winner.
Disclosure: This giveaway is provided by me because I love sharing with my readers.
Powered by Facebook Comments
Dusk 65D is for me!!
Shared your blog also!!
I’d like to try Lasting Lilac
pink suede and brown tones!
lasting lilac or indian summer for me
I would Like to try the Dusk one, it seems like it would be something new to try and would bring out my brown eyes.
Indian Summer 10D. Thanks
I love pink suede!
I’m just getting into the whole makeup thing so 65D I would be willing to try! I’m one of the people who just dont know where to start…LOL…I think I’m going to go to a MAC store and Sephora and let the point me in the right direction….
Sephora is a GREAT store !!! They have people walking around that help you find what you need, however they are a bit like salesmen and tell you that you NEED certain things which isn’t always the case just they work on commission
lasting lilac
I like the Lasting Lilac 40D :)
Lasting lilac would be great with my green eyes! :-)
Browntones 70D
oh and I would like Indian Summer (since we choose 2) I shared the link via facebook
Id like to try the shocking seas 45d, im so afraid to try bold colors like blue and purple because im African American but i think i should be bold and try it. I would also like to try Dusk 65D.
I am LOVING the pink suede! Very nice!
i like grey matters and indian summer:)
i would try the pink suede! ;)
I love the Browntone and Indian Summer!
Shared your blog as well :)
Browntones for sure, love the colors!
I would like to try dusk 65D or lasting lilac 40D! I like how they look and think they might work for me!
I’d love to try Lasting Lilac ! Thanks for doing the giveaway ! We appreciate you !
Dusk 65D is for me! I absolutely love it!
i shared this post:)
Indian Summer 10D looks beautiful! I would love to give it a try!
Shocking Seas , please :-)
I also shared this blog! :-)
Dusk 65D!
Hi I would love to try Lasting Lilac! and I am sharing this on my FB page!! \
I would try Indian Summer. :)
I shared your recap of Pearl Harbor. Thought it was fitting for today. =0)
I would love to try In gray matters! Soo pretty!
`Indian Summer, lasting lilac Super pretty!
Sunkissed Olive
It’s a hard choice! I’m saying Lasting lilac because purples look good one everyone. :)
I shared the “stop existing and start living” post!
I’d love to try Dusk! Thanks! =)
Shared a post on FB as Pixie Sprinkles here:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=149580398483365&id=100002442196800
Thanks! =)
I would love to try PINK SUEDE. I did share your Maybelline link and I love the ideas you come up with.
I’d like to try the Lasting Lilac. A colleague at work does purple lids and it looks wonderful on her. I’m a little afraid to try, though. :-)
I would love to try dusk or Indian summer. I havent been wearing make up a lit lately and I need to get back into the habit of doing it and maybe then Ill actually get the motivation to do other things I’ve been wanting to do and try different things.
i love sunkissed olive 90D !! :)
i shared your “GILLETTE” post :)
I would pick INDIAN SUMMER10D or PINK SUEDE 35D! Time to change it up a bit for me lol :) Never too old to try something new…right ladies :)
Lasting lilac and grey matters are my favs!