I was compensated by Med-IQ through a grant from Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. and Lundbeck to write about depression awareness. All my opinions are my own.

Military life is tough. It requires you to leave your hometown and uproot your family life every few years, and often you are left alone to act as a single parent while your spouse is down range. It can be hard to make friends, find a job, or ever feel settled in, before it is time to pack, PCS and repeat.

But what happens when you do get a great duty station, nice house, genuine friends, your spouse is often home and you still feel down? You may have more than just the blues, you may be suffering from a medical condition — depression.


Milspouse Depression

Facts About Depression

This winter we shared this post about military life and depression. We want to remind you, dear milspouse, that there are resources available to help you feel more like yourself, no matter where in the world you are. Think you are depressed? Please know:

  • Depression is common, you’re not alone. Depression affects about 1 in 15 adults each year, and 1 out of every 6 people (and 1 out of every 3 women) experience depression at some point in their lifetime.
  • Symptoms of depression can vary. Depression isn’t one-size-fits-all. Symptoms vary from person to person and can include feelings of sadness, difficulty sleeping, gastrointestinal problems, and physical aches and pains.
  • Be honest and open with your doctor. It is critical to share your symptoms and family history to determine the best treatment plan for you. There are treatment options available to help you function optimally in your daily life.

Take The Survey For A Chance to Win A $100 VISA Gift Card

Army Wife 101 is continuing its partnership with Med-IQ to help improve the mental health of our military community. Med-IQ is an accredited medical education company that provides an exceptional educational experience for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals, and they need your input!

Over 4,000 individuals took the Med-IQ depression survey. For those of you who took it — thank you! We welcome you to take the second one too, and for those of you who missed the first, please jump in now. It will take less than 10 minutes to complete, and you will be entered to win one of ten (10) $100 VISA gift cards. 

In the first wave of the survey, the majority of our respondents were between the ages of 25 and 45, and 67% suspected that they have depression.

Respondents most commonly experienced these symptoms:

  • Loss of energy (81%)
  • Irritability (80%)
  • Difficulty thinking or making decisions (74%)
  • Feelings of hopelessness (73%)

They understand that:

  • Depression is caused by a combination of factors including genetics and life circumstances (98%)

Regarding treatment, they viewed:

  • Exercise as treatment for depression (almost 95%)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy as treatment for depression (87%)

Now we invite you to take the Med-IQ survey here. Please note that no personal information will be kept, sold, or stored in the survey completion process. Upon completion of the survey, please email surveydepression@gmail.com and indicate that you have taken the survey to be entered to win a VISA gift card.

Helpful Links For You

We invite you to check out these links on depression and available resources and support groups. Please know that these are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they are not intended and should not be construed as legal or medical advice nor are they endorsements of any healthcare provider or practice. Med-IQ bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

Thank you for helping with research to further understand depression, and best of luck with the prize entry!



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Krystel is the mom of two and an Army Wife. In addition to Army Wife 101 she is the Co-Founder of SoFluential.com a digital media agency that connects brands with the military market. She has appeared on MSNBC ,FOX LA and formerly was a weekly contributor to HLN's "Raising America". She has written for various outlets including Sheknows and Lifetime and is a big fan of cupcakes and french fries.

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