At least three times a week I get emails from spouses who are battling depression silently. Their husbands are usually deployed, they have children ,and they feel as if they have nowhere to turn or anyone who understands what they are going through.
I know how they feel because I too have endured it. I know the feeling of going to the clinic onpost and feeling like a hypochondriac because my mental symptoms are manifesting into physical ones. Once again I have to explain how I am feeling, when I really don’t know what I feel or how I feel.
I know the drill. They will put me on a new prescription for depression or anxiety and my problems will still linger with no real solution.
The depression epidemic affecting military spouses is real and needs to be addressed more.
Watch the video below as I tell you why I think spouses are depressed:
Currently Military One Source can assist you in seeking counseling off post if you feel you may need to talk to someone.
Visit to learn about their Face to Face counseling program and also feel free to reach out the military Crisis Hotline which is open to military spouses as well at: 800-273-TALK (8255)
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Thank you for addressing this issue! I think this is a huge epidemic. I think confidence is an issue. I think you made great points! I mean wonderful points! I read posts when other milspouses are having a hard time dealing with the lifestyle saying that you need to basically “man up”. I think it is sad because if it gets to a point when someone is asking for help, then we need to help them and not put them down by saying things like that. I think we are such a reactive society that we wait till some gets hurt or worse before we address. And even then we address the reactions and not the root cause. That is why I do what I do. Blogging, for me, is therapeutic. In a world where I feel less than, it helps deal. It is my voice and outlet. Thanks so much for sharing your story. Glad to know that I am not alone in my feelings :)
Hi Amber!
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and I am so glad you understand where I am coming from. Alot of people so day man up and many times thats not what people going through this need to hear. You are certainly not alone in your feelings and I am glad my little story could help :)
Thank u for addressing this matter. I myself was battling depression while we were stationed in Hawaii. I know depression in Hawaii am I nuts. But it started when my husband went down range and I was pregnant with our son. I felt like I was being abandoned and even though I had family I still felt alone. When my husband came back he was having a hard time adjusting to being a husband and father. He was so use to being alone and only worrying about himself that it caused so many issues which I am thankful for him recognizing and seeking help. But as for me I was too proud to say that I needed help. I finally did and was put on Wellbutrin Xl which helped tremendously. I also figured out my deal. I was relying so much on my husband for everything I forgot my independence. I use to be this driven person that loved life and was able to be my own person. I now workout, have my own time and try to make friends wherever I go. It’s important to retain who u were before u became a military spouse. Don’t get me wrong i love my family and are very involved but I do find time for myself to decompress. Don’t become a hermit that is the worse thing u can do. It’s good to get out an embrace ur new duty station. After all isn’t that one of the perks to military life? Traveling an seeing different places that u wouldn’t ordinarily see? Thanks again for this article it’s made me realize just how far I’ve come