Recently a new Army Wife posted this video on Youtube expressing her concerns about not working and contributing to the household or staying home, as well as going home during deployments plus other issues that many military spouses face on a daily basis.
Below is my very informal video response!
I would love to hear your thoughts and advice on military wives working or staying home.
You can view the video I am replying to here
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Very well said! And lots of good points to think about. I am in a slightly similar situation, but I am not working and going to Graduate School. I still feel guilty at times because I am not working and my days are spent in textbooks instead of bringing home cash. I know this is temporary, but I still struggle with this issue too. I really appreciate the fact that you reinforced the idea that comparing or allowing anyone else to compare your marriage to someone else’s marriage is a disaster in the making. This was one of the first things I learned when I got married two years ago. Our lives may seem crazy to everyone else, but that’s ok because they are our lives not theirs. As long as you stay focused on what is right with the two of you, nothing else matters.
Again, thanks for posting this video and for all you do with Army Wife 101!
Thank you! Amen. I agree with everything. It is so hard for the soldiers to not have other soldiers influence them on how they should run their household. Then it causes tension within the marriage itself. People need to realize just because our husbands are in the military doesn’t mean we are a giant community married to each other. We are one man and one wife. What works best for the individual couple is all that matters. It took me a while to learn to let other people’s opinions not dictate my own. It is always what is best for your family. Who the heck cares what the neighbor is doing. Focus on you.
I agree with you! When I was dating my husband and in the first year of our marriage, I used to judge harshly the other wives. Now I know how hard it is to keep all thing together….
Thank you so much! I totally disagree with what TruStarr said about stay at home moms being selfish. You’re right, some men have unreasonable expectations. I work from home with a home daycare and although I bring in quite a bit of money, a lot of people still think that I don’t have a “real” job and that since I am home I should be able to cook and clean and have a meal on the table for my husband every night (which is TOTALLY unreasonable). For military wives in the army looking to work from home, a Family Child Care business does bring in a good amount of money while allowing you to stay home with your children, which is my main motivation for doing this.