
12 Strong: 5 Reasons Milspouses Should Read The Book & See The Film

When was the last time you read words that moved you? I had the pleasure of not only reading a deeply touching and thought-provoking book, but also had the opportunity to speak with its author. He shared an hour of his time with me, and as I shared appreciation and thanked him for his comprehensive […] Read more…

Give the Gift of Cigars to Your Military Man This Holiday Season

There is something special about cigars — they’re celebratory, traditional, classy and add a certain flair to any event or milestone. Initial images that come to mind include the jovial new father with an “It’s a Boy” cigar, or a collective of groomsmen partaking in cigars and brandy as a last hurrah before their friend […] Read more…

Milspouses Share: Reintegration Tips

Military life involves many hellos and goodbyes, with deployment being the most intense example. You and your spouse can spend anywhere from a few months to a year apart, all the while dreaming of the beauty of homecoming. At first, things are perfect, then you remember/notice things that you had practically forgotten about. Little hiccups […] Read more…

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