
We lived at Fort Hood for a year in McNair village, which I was told was one of the oldest housing areas on post. I am convinced there was another family living there too!

I never saw anything more than vague shadows in the hall…nothing to really freak me out. However I always had the feeling I was being watched in the hallway, and there was one room that had a weird feel to it.
What really convinced me though, was the recurring dreams I had of another family living in my house. They were very vivid!  In these dreams I would be able to interact with the other family, and no one else believed they were there.

Vivid Dreams

There was a soldier who was a middle aged man who would sit in an old bentwood rocking chair by the back door, and I think he was who I felt in the hall and stairs.  Then there was his wife, pretty but plain middle aged woman, and I think I was feeling her in the room that had the odd feel.  There was a little girl, all golden brown curls and giggles, in a white dress. I want to say she was maybe 3 years old, and she had a white Maltese type dog who would come to the bed where I would be sitting, and beg to climb up for attention.
I had these dreams so often, and so vividly, that I came to naturally think of the house as being shared by that family and mine.
There wasn’t anything I found negative about this, other than the creepy feeling of being watched. I would turn off all the lights to go upstairs to bed, and find myself so uneasy I would run up the last few stairs and into my bedroom.  It would be interesting to have a history of who lived there, and see if i could find my “room mate” family!
Click here to read other Tales From The Base stories from military spouses.
Submitted by Kat M.



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Krystel is the mom of two and an Army Wife. In addition to Army Wife 101 she is the Co-Founder of a digital media agency that connects brands with the military market. She has appeared on MSNBC ,FOX LA and formerly was a weekly contributor to HLN's "Raising America". She has written for various outlets including Sheknows and Lifetime and is a big fan of cupcakes and french fries.

1 Comment on Tales From The Base: Story #4 A Haunting in Mcnair Village at Fort Hood, TX

  1. Was starting to do research for a bit of fanfic I was writing (the charactor is going to be in Ft Drum and Benning) and am shocked, surprised, you name it for the number of military bases that are haunted. I was stationed at the Watervliet Arsenal in Watervliet, NY and that place has its share of ghosts too. What surprised me the most were the stories at one site about Fort Benning, page and page of stories,mostly from the housing areas but also the barricks too.

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