I firmly believe that getting dirty from playing outside is part of a happy childhood. Exploring nature up close and personal, experiencing the world on a tactile level, and eating messy, drippy foods outdoors are all part of the glorious wonder of being a child.

I am an Army wife and a mother of two fearless boys. This means that they love to jump headfirst into anything they can, and as a result, are almost always covered in who knows what. I encourage their fun, and can easily help clean up their act when it’s done thanks to some tricks up my sleeve.

I learned a long time ago to always be prepared (and not because the military advocates that — motherhood taught me that lesson). The fact of the matter is that soap and water aren’t always readily available or convenient when you need it, so to get those sticky, grimy hands clean, I arm myself with Wet Ones ® Hand Wipes.

These little beauties are good all year round, but I find that we really need them over the summer. Here are 20 reasons I will be using them this season to wipe those little guys clean:

  1. After hitting the playground

  2. Before eating a picnic lunch

  3. Cleaning off tree sap

  4. Frogs, bugs and worms…need I say more?

  5. Gardening with daddy

  6. Spilling bubble solution

  7. Digging in the dirt

  8. Making mud pies

  9. Snot/boogers…fact of parenthood.

  10. Drawing with sidewalk chalk

  11. Painting with finger paints

  12. Found objects like old chewing gum and cigarette butts

  13. Watermelon

  14. Popsicles

  15. Ice cream

  16. Lollipops

  17. BBQ sauce and hot dogs with condiments exploding out the other end

  18. Sticky drinks like lemonade, juice and punch

  19. While on a road trip, for whenever we have to hit a rest stop (or the side of the road) and there is no soap and water

  20. More importantly, they can be used to clean my hands after I help my little guys clean theirs.

Where does a savvy parent like you find this anti-bacterial, de-dirtifying, de-stickifying miracle? Easy. Go to your neighborhood Walmart store. You’ll have your choice of Fresh Scent or Citrus in a variety of sizes. The 40-count Canister is perfect for your home or car, and the 20-count Travel Pack and 24-count individually wrapped Singles packs are ideal for purses, backpacks, diaper bags, pockets or to share with other moms who didn’t come as prepared as you did.

Wet Ones ® Hand Wipes are hypoallergenic, and they also offer a sensitive skin formula that is extra gentle on your little ones. Because of their Aloe formula, Wet Ones ® Antibacterial Hand Wipes won’t dry or irritate your skin like hand sanitizers can, so you can kill 99.99% of germs, wipe away grime and get nice soft hands in the process. Ah, all better.

So this summer, when it comes time to get down and dirty and to truly be a kid, be prepared with Wet Ones® Hand Wipes. Looking for more reasons to use Wet Ones® Hand Wipes? Take a peek here for 99 reasons why it’s always the season for Wet Ones ® Hand Wipes. To learn more, please visit http://www.wetones.com/.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Wet Ones® Hand Wipes.  The opinions and texts are all mine.




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