I am an over thinker and I always have been. But when my husband is deployed my over thinking goes into overdrive and I think about all of the terrible awful things that can possibly happen to me when I’m away from home with him 25,000,000 miles away in another country and no one to call should something happen to me. Therefore I am always thinking of little tiny ways to save me in the event of an emergency or should somebody try to do something to me.
One of my biggest fears is being at a store and losing my pocketbook or having someone try to snatch it out of the cart. This is not exactly that far-fetched considering I have heard from wives this has happened to.
Below is a video I took in Walmart about a week ago with a nifty tip on what I do to prevent someone from successfully snatching my pocketbook . Now in all safety if someone wants your pocketbook that bad let them have it as your life is worth more. That being said if someone is quickly trying to nab your purse out of the cart and not trying to get caught they most likely won’t take the time to unhook it as I show in this video.
Let me know some of the ways that you protect your items or try to protect yourself when your husband is away . My husband has implemented situational awareness in my head so am I the only weirdo who does stuff like this?
Excuse some of my weirdness in the video I still am not to comfortable with people seeing me talk to a camera in random places!
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That’s a good idea.
I just stay away from Walmart and don’t have to worry about it. :)
But seriouly, I am paranoid. I put extra locks on the doors and windows at home. I check the back seat of my car before I get in it. And I just make sure someone knows if I am sick or if I am going somewhere out of the ordinary.
I have been locking my pocketbook in shopping carts for at least 20 years. In my case, the high level of awareness I have at all times has more to do with my Pa and the way I was raised than it does my husband. For that matter, I am much more security conscious than my hubby. What I do when he is away doesn’t change from what I do when he is home.
So here is a list of some of the things I do:
my biggest fear when my husband is deployed is having to get on a ladder to change a lightbulb outside, or having to clean the gutters; and falling off the ladder and really hurting myself to where i cant get to a phone and no one will find me
Works well, unless you have kids that need to go there! I usually carry a small wristlet into malls and stores for that very reason. I can put my credit/debit cards and military ID card and DL inside the small wristlet.
LOL. Too funny. I love that you recorded this in Walmart. I’m such a scaredy cat and won’t even record myself at home as badly as I want to do a vlog!!!
That’s a good idea though, for me I just leave my purse over my shoulder, just because. I used to leave the diaper bag in the cart though, but never locked it, that’s a good idea.
And you’re not crazy. I am always thinking of what-if’s and how I would get out of those what-if situations in the unlikely event that they may happen.