You became a milspouse and you’ve caught yourself saying and doing things that you never imagined you would. The lifestyle is unique, challenging, and sometimes flat-out crazy, and it can make the sanest of us ask, “Did I just say that?”

Read on and let us know which of these you have said, and what we should add to the list!


“He’s TDY for ALC and then we PCS once more before he will ETS.” Huh? Did you just speak in initialisms? Not only have you started figuring out this other “language,” you’re also beginning to master it.


“Oh, I hear ‘Taps’ playing — that means it’s my bedtime.” Wait…it’s only 9 p.m. When did you go from a night owl to a conditioned sleeper? Welcome to the “early to bed, early to rise” crew!

“Your PT belt is on the dining room chair, your gloves are on the couch. Anything else I can help you find at 5 a.m., or can I go back to sleep now?” Ha, how on earth they can lose a fluorescent PT belt is beyond me, but at least we have spider senses and know where everything is.

“Um…why are you home?” As much as we love our servicemembers, sometimes their surprising schedule shifts can throw off our routines. From late starts to early finishes, to showing up hungry at lunchtime, many of us have asked this on more than one occasion. It’s typically followed by, “It’s nice to see you though.” Or, “Since you’re home, can you help with___?”

“Do I really have to go to the Commissary on payday? I didn’t mean to run out of food on the 1st or 15th!” Whether deliberate or not, we’ve all made that one wild shopping trip. To shop or not to shop? That is the question.

“Yeah, he/she’s away, but I am really loving some ‘me’ time.” Whether it’s cooking less, doing less laundry or dishes, having the TV all to yourself or sprawling out in bed, you’ve found some silver linings to holding down the homefront. You probably never thought you’d find a positive to this situation, but congrats — you did!

“I kind of love being a milspouse.” This last one though… For all its hardships, challenges, uncertainty and having to constantly hurry up and wait, this time in your life will never happen again. You’re making the most of it, meeting some of the best people and are excelling. Great work.



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A self-described “Jackie of All Trades,” former Army wife Jackie Toops enjoys exploring the various facets of her personality by chronicling military life, world travels, family, her love of the arts and more. Her academic background is in the fields of Interdisciplinary Humanities, Museum Studies and Nonprofit Management, and she has overseen public relations for museums, galleries and universities. Jackie’s articles have been featured on Army Wife 101, Wall Street International Magazine, SoFluential, HomeAway, Military Biz Connection and FamiliesGo. While stationed in Germany, she regularly discussed her articles on-air with the Armed Forces Network in Wiesbaden. A mother of two, Jackie enjoys coffee, freelance writing, languages and discovering new ways to express herself. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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