When the guys/gals first deploy we miss them but in trying to find the brighter side of things, a majority of us love that we don’t have to cook or tidy up as often. However, there is something about deployments that makes you miss doing some of these tasks no matter how you feel about them.
Here are 7 things you most likely will be excited to do for him or see him do when he returns home.
Boots In The Doorway: While normally I want to strangle him after hitting my toe on a boot or leaving them anywhere, there is something sweet about seeing them lying around the first few days after a long separation.
Cooking- Because you will need someone to taste test all those Pinterest recipes you are going to attempt!
Wash His PT Clothes: I usually would make my spouse wash them himself but while he was deployed there was nothing I wouldn’t do to hand him a freshly laundered pair of PT’s.
Present Them With A Freshly Cleaned Home: When they guys and gals are home it’s easy (unless you are OCD) to skip a day of picking up toys or clothes, however there is nothing like giving your dude(ette) the gift of a clean home after they have played in the sandbox for a while.
Those Damn ACU’s: Nothing irks me more then dirty ACU’s laying around, but I couldn’t be more happier than to see them after a deployment. It lets me know he is home!
See Him Relax: Initially it won’t bother you to see him playing those video games for extended periods of times…at least for the first week or so after he comes home.
See Him Leave for work because you know he is coming back in a few hours.
Share the things you can’t wait to do again when your spouse comes home?
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