Several times a month I receive an email from a spouse looking for monetary help. These usually come in the form of a Gofundme link or an email simply requesting help. The sad fact is that there are a lot of military families struggling. I’m not always sure why, but when it comes to people needing help I’ve never been one to question it.

Because so many people do though, a lot of people suffer in silence and are scared to ask for help or don’t know where to go for it. To help those who could use an extra bit of assistance this year, I’ve listed some resources below that may be able to help you.

 Homefront America– Every year Homefront America gives over 200 military families groceries and a gift card for a turkey that can be redeemed at their local commissary. Details here.

Toy4Tots– You’ve seen those handsome Marines in stores nationwide haven’t you? It’s usually because they are collecting Toys4Tots which is open to all less fortunate children. You may request a toy for your child here.

Operation Homefront– Donates meal kits to over 500 military families every year. To apply visit here.

Soldier’s Angels- Has an Adopt A Family for the holidays program. Must prove financial eligibility. Details are here.

Trees For Troops- Could you use a Christmas tree this year to bring a little holiday cheer? Trees for Troops gives trees to units at military bases nationwide who then disburse them to military. You can see when trees will be sent to your base here.

Full Circle Home- Military personnel can send a gift box to their spouse with this awesome company. Sign up to do so here.

Operation Holiday Joy- Through the AYMCA donates food and toys for the holidays to military families in need. You will need to contact your local AYMCA to apply. Details are here.

VFW’s and American Legion Halls- These organizations are usually in every area and are known for helping to provide support to military families especially around the holidays. You can find your closest one by going here.

On Base MWR- Believe it or not there are many programs for assistance available on base. Reach out to your local MWR office and see what is being offered. Find your base MWR here.

Happy Holidays!   



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