Where did you meet your true love? I met mine at a mutual friend’s beach house. We had so many friends in common, and had for years, yet we had never met before. Not only did we have mutual friends, but we also attended several parties together and never crossed paths. What are the odds […] Read more…
Top 10 Reasons Why I Miss the USA
10. I miss everything being in English and everyone speaking English. I can not speak, write, or read Hangul (the Korean language.) I know a few words, but most of the time I just smile and nod when people are talking to me and hope they’re not calling me a stupid American to my face. […] Read more…
AAFES (Reward) Punch Cards Are Gone…Is This a Tactic To Get People To Use Their Star Card?
I have many of times collected enough punches from going to Burger King onpost in Hawaii to obtain a free burger or kids meal etc. As I was surfing through the AAFES Facebook page I came across a post where I learned that the AAFES punch cards are no longer available. AAFES responded: ” Thank you […] Read more…
Funny Crap Military Wives Say!
Living around the milspouse crowd for sometime now has made me privy to some of the funny things we say within our community . You know those things where you are like “did they just say that”? Since the “S%#____ say series has become popular, I figured I would jump on the bandwagon and present […] Read more…
I Tried To Be A Cool Mom And Learn How To Dougie …Even With a Torn ACL
So the other day the daughter and I were bored and she said she wanted me to try to learn to do some of the latest dance moves with her. Being the hot cool mom that I am NOT I agreed. What you are about to watch is the atrocity that happened when a mom […] Read more…
I Think I Have Ebola…Okay Maybe not!
Warning this is what I normally look like: Sometimes I am so open with you all that I forget that I might scare someone without makeup on. Right now I am miserable , restless, flooded with work and can’t breathe out of my nose. Anyhow if you are interested I am just venting on the […] Read more…