One of the ways I keep my sanity while the hubs is deployed is to have girls night once or twice a month at a friends house or my own. Each person brings an appetizer and a beverage of choice and we pig out and laugh it up while the kids play games upstairs. Last […] Read more…
How To Make Sausage Con Queso Dip aka Rotel
Hey everyone!If some of you don’t know Army Wife 101 has what I affectionately titled “The DFAC”. You can also look at the categories on the left side of this blog and find it. This is a separate blog which displays different recipes I make on video and recipes that “Ask Rell” displays on her […] Read more…
Army Wife 101: Do You Prefer The Videos?
Army Wife 101 New Design
I am sure you have noticed the new layout of Army Wife 101. Lindsay from Sour Apple Studios did an awesome job with it and I hope all my readers enjoy. I wanted our hangout spot to feel warm and comfy so I hope I have succeeded at doing this. I am still working on […] Read more…