There is always alot of chatter about ACU’s amongst wives in the Army. Cheer was wonderful enough to give me a chance  to use one of the approved ACU maintenance detergents known as  Cheer Powder Detergent . Watch the video below for my experience with using Cheer on my husband’s ACU’s , a few simple ACU maintenance tips, as well as a chance to win a year’s supply of Cheer to keep your soldier’s ACU’s in check.

To Enter the Cheer Year Supply Giveaway Read Below:

A portion of a year's supply

Mandatory Entry: Visit the CHEER site and leave a short comment below telling me a product you would consider using off their site.

Optional Entries: *Note* You must complete the mandatory entry in order  to use optional entries*

You can submit as many optional entries as you would like.

*Subscribe to Army Wife 101 via email and leave a comment below letting me know you did

* Add me on Twitter and leave a comment letting me know

*Tweet-  #Milspouses Win A Years Worth of Cheer Detergent @Armywives101

Contest ends Saturday May 1, 2010 at 11:59PM EST.

Winner will be picked via

After winner is contacted, they will have 48 hrs to send me their information or else another winner will be picked.

Please leave a valid email is your comments so that I may contact you should you be the winner.

Best of Luck!

Army Wife 101

Disclaimer* I was given a household supply of Cheer to try out and give my honest opinion and review. Receiving this product does not affect my opinion or bluntness of my opinion. I received no monetary compensation or any others forms of compensation.



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87 Comments on Cheer ACU Review and Detergent Giveaway!!!! *CLOSED*

  1. Hopefully this counts as a submission to the Cheer Contest. I would love to try Cheer Free and Gentle ;] Family has sensitive skin. Or any other gentle type in powder form. THANKS!!!

  2. I already follow you on Twitter and FB and now I subscribe to your emails! I retwittered your contest from my twitter,
    I have rarely used powders, but after reading the site, I would consider using either of the scents, the Powder Fresh or the Free and Clear. The fact that Cheer gives tips on how to prevent residue is awesome and makes me more confident in their products! We are PCS’ing soon and my husband is going back to a unit that actually goes out to the field. Having something that will keep his uniforms clean and in regulation is really important to us both! Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. Hello! I would love to try the Cheer Free and Gentle Powder. I also subscribed to the armywife 101 email and added you on tweeter… also tweeted.. Thanks for this opportunity to win something that anyone could use! :D my email is

  4. Following you and I’ll be tweeting up a storm! (@ShanPando)

    As a newbie wife I had no idea how to “properly” care for my husbands ACU’s. I’ve been doing them the old fashioned way since he hasn’t complained. We’re def. going to chat it up tonight and discuss what you’ve taught me! :)

    I would use the Free & Gentle powder. Anytime we can go as natural as possible, I’m all about it! If I win, I’ll def. share the love and hand out some boxes to some wives here too!


  5. I subscribed via e-mail!
    I would love a years worth of detergent! I have always washed my husbands ACU’s in whatever detergent was on sale, I din’t know I was supposed to use special detergent, whoops!! :)

  6. I would definately use all cheer, although i think my favorite would be the bright clean fresh scent liquid! My skin cant handle alot of soaps but i’ve never had a problem with Cheer!

  7. I subscribed via email and i would use the free & gentle. My husband is always in the field. It is such a pain.

  8. I’ll continue to use Cheer Free & Gentle powder detergent when my husband returns from Iraq!!! His Acu’s not only smell clean but don’t fade with Cheer :).

  9. I subscribed via email and i would use the free & gentle. With two little ones plus my husband I am always looking for something that is good for them!!

  10. I would consider the Fresh Clean Scent HE for Hubby’s ACU’s.
    i wash them separate from other laundry; might have fuel on them and also don’t like the velcro to stick to other clothes

  11. Hi Krystal! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity and all the laundry tips for the ACU’s!!! If I win, I’d love to use the Free & Gentle powder. I’m all about free and gentle because both my husband and I have super sensitive skin. =) And that’s a great idea that one of the ladies had about sharing the winnings with others. I’ll do the same! Oki doki, thanks again Krystal!

  12. *I would love to try the clean fresh scent!
    *I already follow you on twitter
    *I tweeted you on twitter
    *I subscribed to your website via email :)

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