I’ll be the first to admit that I wasn’t exactly fond of my mother in law when I met her. For some reason she couldn’t accept that her son was not alittle boy anymore or that I chose to feed him spaghetti and salad instead of three different fried dishes in one sitting. Her indirect way of implying that I needed to loose weight by casually setting twelve packs of Slimfast in my fridge quickly sent me over the edge. Luckily we’re on better terms now but needless to say we took a long rocky road to get there.

All the above being said , you can imagine my interest when I was sent a screener of A&E’s new series called Monster In-Laws. This show takes not getting along with your in-laws to a whole new level with some help along the way to try to remedy the situation.

About The Show

“In-laws: most people have them… and sometimes they can be a whole lot more than a newlywed bargained for. A&E Network shines a light on married couples dealing with meddling in-laws as they try to make peace with the help of an unconventional, no-nonsense relationship expert in the new original real-life series “Monster In-Laws. “Monster In-Laws” features real-life married couples as they reveal their relatable in-law problems. Sometimes funny and sometimes not, each episode follows the family as one spouse is trapped between the person they married and a member of their immediate family, desperate to put an end to the battles that are tearing them apart. Seasoned relationship experts bring the family under one roof and force them to face their issues so they can reach common ground and mend their broken relationships.

With so many of the stories I have heard from Military spouses about Inlaws from hell, I think you will want to tune in!

Read More about Monster In-Laws

Check Out The Preview


Monster In -Law premieres Monday October 24th on the A&E channel at 10PM EST/PT.


Surviving encounters with Monster In-Laws can be tough.

(1) winner will have the chance to indulge in alittle bit of relaxation with the Monster In-Law Survival Kit which includes:

Body Shop Gift Card: ARV: $50

Spa Wisdom™ Japan Yuzu & Green Tea Bathing Salts – ARV: $28

Total Body Massager – ARV: $18

Total Value: $96 ($100)

How To Enter

Simply leave a comment below sharing some of your funny or crazy in law stories!

Giveaway ends 11/3/11 at 11:59EST

Winner will be chosen via Random.org…18+ USA Only

Please leave a valid email so I may contact you if you are the winner!

Disclosure: Lifetime TV and A&E are providing the prize. No Compensation was provided for this post except a screener.






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103 Comments on *CLOSED* Do You Get Along With Your InLaws? If Not You Will Want to Watch The New A&E Series “Monster In-Laws” Plus A Cool Inlaw Survival Kit Giveaway!

  1. I get along okay with my mother in law, it’s my father in law I don’t get along with so well. Mainly because he is always asking to borrow money but doesn’t think he should pay it back because he thinks his son, my hubby “owes him”…..not sure what for though! We now keep our distance!

  2. when my mother in law found out i was pregnant it was because dh sent her an email. he wanted to bethe one to tell her but if your in the battle zone of a 3rd world country its kind of hard to get the word out any other way. so she calls and chastises me for not calling her myself then had the audacity to ask me, “well is it aleast his?” i asked what exactly she was getting at and she said, ” well im just asking because well….. you know”. my only response was, “no i dont know, why dont you tell me” then i hung up. i dont know why but she’s always trying to get to me like that, implying that im some floozy and constantly bragging about is ex and her new kids when she was the one who left him while he was deployed for some other guy. whats worse is that everyone just sits back and tells me to ignore her instead of straightening her out. and dont even get me started about our first christmas with them which was our last….I HATE THAT WOMAN!!!!!

  3. I absolutely love my father-in-law, but cannot stand my mother-in-law. They are divorced, and we actually don’t hear much from her because she has used my husbands social and forged his name/signature many times. Due to all this, she has ruined his credit because she didn’t pay the bills. She also stole his stimulus check he received several years back and got a friend of hers that works at a back to cash it for him. I have no respect for that woman, stealing from her own child. She doesn’t want to run into me any time soon.

  4. We get along just okay. They are quite talkative if they don’t get stopped. I try to avoid them in every possible way, though still have to get together on some occasions.

  5. All that I can say is I might have needed this show a few times. My in-laws are amazing and would do anything for me. However there has been a few times that we didn’t exactly see eye to eye. Especially about his decision to join the army, his sister thought I came up with it and I just wanted to be lazy and sit at home! Uhm NO, another story but thankfully they were never as bad as this show is portraying !

  6. My mother in law has not like me for the 22 years we have been together! She asked my husband once why I continue to break her things, she had found her glasses broken and thought I was purposely breaking her stuff. With 4 kids I have better things to do! The nerve is my hubby asked me if I was doing these things!!

  7. The day I met my mother in law and sister in law was an eye opener. We’d driven hours to attend a Thanksgivng get-together. All went well and after the meal I helped clear the table and the kitchen and at some point afterwards the sister in law asked if she could speak to me in private. We went off to the next room and she said to me (no kidding), ” I hope you know we can see through your behavior. We know you’re courting grandmother, trying to get on her good side and it won’t work, so you can quit pretending to be so nice.” Sheesh ….

  8. the Family was staying at MIL’s house for Christmas 1 yr ago. MIL tends to be over dramatic and gossip queen at times, and creates a problem for the Step MIL. after some things were said DH and I had enough and had everyone over to the house for an “intervention” which was just a big Pow Wow mess! When she looked at DH (her own son) and made a comment about him not being a bigger part of his daughter’s life (from a previous marriage) he lost it and started yelling, i had never seen him get that angry and hurt at the same time. He tries to keep contact with his daughter, but the mother isnt the most cooperative! I tried to stay out of it because i was pregnant with our 2nd child at the time, but the comment set me off too! I went from one side of the room over to her and directly told her in her face that she doesnt know how hard he tries, and how upsetting it is for him when he’s not “allowed” to talk to or see his daughter, and then i flat out said “after saying that to your own son, i have lost All respect for you” and then walked away. She then said I could find somewhere else to stay! FIL and Step MIL insisted i stay with them, but MIL came around in the end and let me stay because she knew if I went… we all went! Made for a really awkward holiday vacation!! Current report.. things are ok between us. I dont trust her very much, but trust is earned, not freely given!

  9. I was active duty at the time that I got married and met my mother in law. Prior to meeting her I knew that I was in trouble because my husband at the time said that the smartest women that he knew was his mother. When I first met her she did not acknowledge me, in passing she told me that since we were living in different states at that time that it was my duty to send money to her son. After we were living in the same place she would call and if I would answer she would not say hello only put him on the phone! When we went to visit after my daughter was born I would hide in the upstairs bedroom when he was not home. My husband at the time refused to stand up to his mother and contiuned to let her being condiscending and disrespectful to me on a regular basis. We are no longer married, she was not the reason although she was a contributing factor. When my current husband and I met and when he stuck up for me to his mother I was relieved, that at least this time disrespect, and so on would not be accepted!!

  10. My mother in law means well. But she cannot accept the fact that her son is not her baby anymore. She consistently tells me “he’s my baby” his parents fail to realize he is 28 not 8!!! They just love him I know but I can’t wait to move out of state lol! I love them to death but a little space is going to be awesome!! She even goes so far as to making him choose (I think jokingly) between the two of us! SMH. It’s ridiculous, time to let him go. God I pray i’m not that way with my sons!

  11. My I just got married I was over at my in-laws for a family gathering. I used the washroom and I flushed twice. When I came out of the bathroom, my mother in-law asked in front of a room of people if I had diarrrhea! I wanted to crawl in a hole. After that experience, I avoided her bathroom.

  12. My mother in law was really great.
    My my ex husbands mother was a winner. Here my ex was a grown man and she would still make him lunches, rub his back and really baby him. It really made me feel like an outsider when I was around the two of them.
    Thanks so much.

  13. My mother in law and i didn’t get along until actually just very very recently. I’ve been with my husband for a lil over five years and her and I never got along until just a few months ago. She never liked me from the start because in her eyes I took her baby boy away from her. One time while I was pregnant, my husband and I got in a huge fight and he called her to tell her and she put money in his bank account so he could leave me and drive all the way from Indiana to Georgia to get away from me! Then everyday he was gone I would call him and she would never put him on the phone, making up lies why he wasn’t talking to me etc.. I ended up taking a Greyhound Bus on Christmas Night 22 hours long, pregnant, to go to him in Georgia. When I got there, his mother was in my face screaming at me, calling me names, etc…she bought me a plane ticket to leave back to Indiana cos she wanted me gone so bad! My husband(he wasnt my hubby at the time just yet) ended up coming back to me a few days later. She kept telling him the baby wasnt his and etc.. but when my son was born she ate her words cos my son looked just like his father. Throughout the years, she would barely speak to me, and when she did she was nice to me in front of my husband, but mean to me when he wasnt around. She went as far emailing him a nasty email saying how he needs to leave me and etc.. cos i wasnt good enough for me and i’m bringing him down and etc…When my husband was deployed for a year, she told him she would check on me and the kids, she never did though. The breaking point was when my husband had enough of how she treated me so he told her and his dad off and basically said if you can’t accept my wife then im done with you all. He didnt speak to them for months. She finally got the point and her and i are cordial to each other and everything is fine. But man it took a long 5 years to get to this point.

  14. I’ve definitely got some funny and crazy stories, but none that I want to share with the world, and it wouldnt be very nice of me either.
    blue65829 at aol dot com

  15. Oh my mil is pretty self absorbed. She thinks it’s all about her and me and her son can only take her is small spurts or her negativity drives us both insane.

    mouster71 at gmail dot com

  16. Remember the first time I met my mother in law. She had me for spaghetti. I did not know how to react when she put sauce on my pasta and it all went straight through. Nothing stayed on the noodles. I knew than that my cooking would never be compared to his moms
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  17. My ex monster in law for got me a box of generic lemon bar mix and put it in a Philosophy gift bag for Christmas. I got that witch a digital picture frame!

  18. I made a bad impression on my inlaws that took a while to shake. I had no idea that I was going to be meeting my future in-laws, I thought we were just swinging by my then boyfriends house. I show up at a family cookout in booty shorts and a very low cut top. Every woman in the family hated me because it was impossible for the men to stop staring. Ooops!
    My family didn’t like my husband at first either and actually tried to break us up! We are happily married still, 8 years later

  19. I get along pretty good with my inlaws, I have always put my ffot down on how things are in my marriage and with my son. My husbands uncle while we get along he drives me crazy. Our children are only a month apart in age and he is always trying to compete, from the time they were born he would lie about how big his daughter was to make her bigger then my son, when my son learned how to walk before his daughter he started competing with everything we bought a big screen he bought a bigger one and rubbed it in, my husband bought a new truck he bought a better bigger more expensive new truck. He is a good person but always trying to compete with us for some reason it has turned into a joke between my husband and I and his parents.

  20. I actually have a recent crazy issue with my mother in law. She works over 40 hours a week as a nurse but is always broke. (no idea how) Since she’s always broke she always asks people, specifically my husband and I to borrow money. After helping her out many times and never getting even a thank you or giving some respect to us for having saved her from debt collectors we finally started telling her no especially since our first baby is on the way. Well she didn’t take that very well. She went and drove her car somewhere and hide it so no one can find it. Then went to the police station and told them my husband and I stole the car yet we live 4 states away! Her idea is if were not gonna give her money then my husband doesn’t need his job! This started in August now near the end of October we are still getting calls from the police station questioning us on where the vehicle is after we told them many times we dont have it! The last time I spoke to my mother in law I told her your dead to us. You not only tried to jeopardize my husbands career but tried to ruin my child’s future. I am trying to get a restraining order because shes giving our address to random people to see if her car is here! No matter what I do she wont leave us alone I was thinking revenge but karma is already getting her so ill sit back and enjoy the ride.

  21. I don’t get along w/ the majority of my in laws. Its like they try to find thier f**k ups in me. For our wedding I had a thousand dollar spending limit & his mom & one of sisters got all mad so my husband had to buy them outfits too. So he wouldnt waste alot of money, I just spent $300 cuz it was just a court room wedding anyway, they spent the rest. Then the next day after our wedding they were all trying to covince him to divorce me! We just try to avoid them they are nothing but drama.

  22. I don’t have a mil horror story. I actually met her before my husband, & we honestly have always had a wonderful relationship. Plus, she has really awesome taste in shoes.

  23. My mil is the type that will say i love you one minute then turn around and tear you down all in one breath. I can’t stand her flakiness. She tried to control our marriage and i had to put her in her place real quick. It was not pretty. I’m not one to disrespect my elders but I won’t allow anyone to come at me with bs either.

  24. My in laws are awesome, I dont know what I would do without them! That said my ex inlaws were horrible between there meddling and harrassment and my ex husbands lack of a backbone, I am surprised we were together as long as we were.

  25. My inlaws love me but I on the other hand aren’t fans of theirs. They’re nice people that just do a lot of messed up things. My husband and I had been married for just over a year the first time my mother in law and at the time 16 year old brother in law came to visit. After telling MIL that my BIL was to NOT drink in my house. She still allowed it after I went to sleep. I was livid! Then her car broke down so she stayed an extra 2 days. Neither of them cleaned up after themselves. The final straw of me not liking her was while my husband and BIL were at the my MIL LEFT to go back home 8 hours away. She left my BIL with us. Never asked oanything. I was once again livid. We had to take out a loan to pay for his plane ticket and the extra food we had to spend on the kid. The whole time he used my husband’s cell phone talking to his 16yr old girlfriend and staying up late making a bunch of noise. Then I found that he had taken a picture of his private parts on my husbands phone and sent it to the girlfriend. I saw it and was beyond mortified. He had taken the picture in my at the time 3 month old and 5 yr old daughter’s bathroom. They have not visited again. We went recently to see them on my husband’s post deployment leave. It was a very miserable trip. I had morning sickness bad so we spent the first 3 days in a hotel. The last night there we spent the night at my mil and my husband’s stepdad’s house. My husband asked them not to smoke in the house because of our children and the fact that I can’t breathe when people smoke in a house. They said okay. Well I could tell the whole time they were smoking in there while we weren’t in the room or would walk in with a cigarette. I understand their home but I wouldn’t have stayed there if they wouldn’t have said they’d go outside. Then the stepdad took my husband out that night and didn’t bring him home until the next afternoon. He left him at some persons house. When they got back the mil and stepdad fought in front of my children and I. I was ready to leave. I packed our stuff and left. I left my husband there to spend time with them. I left him with $40 his clothes and his computer. The money I left “went missing” and they broke his computer while he was sleeping. I was beyond livid. Who steals money from their own kid and breaks his stuff and act like they didn’t touch it. Needless to say I will never go back there again. I don’t like who my husband becomes around them or how they are grown adults and act like children. Did I mention they’re both back on drugs? I keep the peace and they don’t know how I feel about them.

  26. When I first stayed with my in laws, my MIL would put a new towel set on my bed every day. I always used one per week and thought she kept forgetting she already gave me some. Come to find out she washes everyones towels every day… Definitely not happening in my house!!

  27. My MIL is a real winner.
    My husband and I were fresh out of high school when we got married and he joined the Army. We had no credit, so she opened up a phone plan that was in her name so we could have cell phones (we payed the bill). She also bought my husband a car while he was still in high school, in which he made EVERY payment ONTIME. It was just in her name because he was so young. Well he deployed and she started getting upset that “her babyboy” would rather call his wife, than his mother. (i moved back home durning deployment and lived with my parents) One day when he finally chose to call her they got into a huge fight she drove over to my parents house demanded my cell phone, and keys to my husbands car.. Because they were in her name i had to give them to her. So i was stuck with out a car for the WHOLE deployment. The worst part is the car only had 2,000 left on it until it was payed off! && we had to use our deployment savings to buy a new one!! Lets just say shes not one of my favorite people lol!

  28. Mine’s not too bad, but my MIL would send me these weird emails. Some that I would never read, much less send to anyone in my family! And she’s a pastor’s wife!

  29. My husband is a junior. When we were stationed in Germany we decided before we left to buy a new car since we could get it tax free. So we fill out all the finance paperwork only to get told that we had a JcPenney bill that was in default. Ummm, hmm, we had been in Germany for 3 years, before internet. How the heck were we buying stuff at JcPenney’s? My LOVELY step mother in law, who worked at JcPenney’s accessed my husband’s account and got a card printed. Since he and his father have the same name, they were never questioned when they used it. We were told we would have to press charges to have them forced to pay and my husband didn’t want to do that. So, my lovely in laws got a shopping spree on us that they NEVER repaid us for (and never will.). Not to mention that while we were stationed in Germany, they moved! We came home and knocked on “their” door, and strangers answered! We had to call information to track them down! Thankfully, my husband finally saw them from my point of view….. ;)

  30. MY MIL endorsed a check of mine that did not belong to her, (It went to her house because I stayed with her, for a very brief moment in my teenage life), then lied to my then boyfriend (current husband) that I owed it to her. Then she had a credit card in his name and didn’t pay the bill, because she is a shop-a-holic and will readily admit, but will do nothing about it. The last straw with me, was when she stole her own mother’s disability checks, and started her catering business with it, which failed, and caused her mom to lose her house (that she was staying in, because she was supposed to be taking care of her). So in turn, SHE became homeless, and my husband thought that, “Maybe she learned her lesson now that she’s homeless.”

    Long story short, NO she didn’t. She moved in with us for about 5 months, we paid her bills for most of it, but then we stopped, because my father died and we helped with his funeral expenses, she got upset and told my neighbor and friends and eventually her son (my husband), that she would not have came up here, if we couldn’t continue to pay her bills. She preferred the shelter! Even though her storage bills were not getting paid there. Our relationship my change at a later time, but now she conned someone else with a sob story about how here mean son and daughter-in-law kicked her out and she’s living with someone else. I wish I knew who they were, because I would tell them to BEWARE!

  31. I love my inlaws i couldnt ask for better ones Idk what I would do if i didnt. althought my husband loves my mom he just doesnt see things her way and they do sometimes but heads and im stuck in the middle! Dont really have any crazy stories though

    cbrocious1984 AT gmail dot com

  32. You know how tolerant I am of my in laws! So tolerant that my MIL had a Dr. appointment in another state. I drove her. She insisted I come into the patient room with her. Not only did I have to see her get into the patient gown, the doctor came in and gave her a RECTAL exam! My husband said “you should have gotten a ‘daughter in law of the year’ award”. Not only was I mortified, I will never look at my MIL quite the same!!!!!!!

  33. I get along pretty well with my MIL & FIL. Maybe that’s because I’ve never met my MIL and only spent a week with the FIL. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  34. I absolutely love my husband’s biological parents, but cannot stand his step parents! I’ve actually Gone as far as banning his stepdad from any involvement with our child bc he was abusive to his younger son (hubbys little brother) and he calls me freaking out saying I’m ruining his life (reality he ruins my MIL life with all the abuse) and my hubbys stepmom somehow got his dad to marry her bEFORE hubby even met her (he was still deployed) woman hasn’t been in our life for a year yet and she’s already tearing the family apart. None of us can spend time with father in law and she critiques me about how I raise my 2 year old and just finally asked how my pregnancy is going with our second child (I am 27 weeks!) I knew I was bound to butt heads bc we are two opposite ends of the spectrum but the things she says to me are so insulting that even my husband, who chooses to avoid any drama in life, gets extremely pisses off and offended…… Ahhh stepparents are the worst when they are rude but expect better treatment than biologicals!

  35. The only part of my husbands family that I get along with is his cousins and aunts and uncles. My mother-in-law doesn’t bother with us too much that is until it seems like she is off of her medication.. ( that’s what my husband always says.) My husband and I had been dating for 3 years and we has Thanksgiving with his family, the WHOLE day my mother-in-law called me the wrong name… Amy, which is my husbands ex’s name. When he was in Iraq, I didn’t hear ONCE from his mother or his sisters… and his sisters are a completely different story. A few years ago my husband was in a car accident and was taken to the hospital and in ICU.. my one sister in law called the hospital to say that she was his WIFE and that she was on the way there to not give any information to anyone but her. Ugh!! She also punched me when all i was trying to protect her from my husband and her fighting. My other sister in law lived with my husband when we were dating. I did the dishes when i was over and would do a little cleaning… she didn’t like that she got in my face and when my husband told her to leave me alone she went up to him and smacked him. He grabbed her arms to make her stop and this is when she pulled back with all her weight and flew into the wall.. she then called the cops on him and said he was assaulted her. she tells me how important her family is, yet my husband has a son from a previous relationship and NONE of them know his birthday his age or anything about him. And we just recently had a baby girl and not a single one of them have asked a thing about her! My in-laws are INSANE!!

  36. One time my father in law was a my house and he said your house would look so much nicer if it was clean… My house is clean.. I was so mad!

  37. My mother in law is a dental hygienist so she has been the one to clean our teeth since we got married. She got my two boys( age 2 & 4) dna last time she cleaned their teeth and sent it in for a dna test. She got a family members the week before my husband deployed to tell us that someone did that and the results. Her excuse was she wanted to make sure that they were his incase something happened to him while he was deployed. She lost my trust because she did it behind our backs without our permission!! She is definitely a psycho not just because of that but the ways she asks. I haven’t seen or talked to her since then and ill probably never trust her with my kids!! You just do that without permission!!

  38. My husband’s step-father is a nightmare. I love the rest of his family, but his step-father is totally overbearing. When I started dating my husband while we were in highschool, his step-fatherr was always so rude when I came to the house. He didn’t like the way I dressed, and made a rule stating that if I wanted to come over I had to wear a sweatshirt and jeans. Needless to say, he was very controlling. To this day it’s still tough to be around him at family things!

  39. My mother in law have never really gotten along but the day she pushed me over the edge was as follows…….During our first deployment I took my daughter to watch bullriding every Sunday. Well one day we were visiting her Oma and Opa (inlaws) and as we were siting there visiting my three year old daughter says she has a boyfriend, and his name is Stretch. He was one of the bullriders. I proceeded to tell her, “You are too little to have a boyfriend, you have to be big like Mommy to have a boyfriend.” My mother in law replies with, “Maybe as tall, but not as big.” This was the straw that broke the camels back. I could not believe she just said that to my child. Way to go Oma. After deciding I would just let our daughter spend time alone with them, so that I would not be insulted everytime I was there. So….my daughter and I are eating and she refuses to eat. I ask her why and she said so she does not get fat. You have to be skinny to be pretty. I asked her who told her that….and guess who? OMA. So needless to say….time is limited with Oma. Very limited.

  40. I do not get along with my in-laws at all! The first time I met them my mother in law made me cry. My husband and I met and were married in less than a month and she sat there at my nephews first birthday party in front of all of the family and made fun of me and told us how we are to young and will never make it. I balled like a little baby so embarrassed, but look who is wrong now, we have been married for 5 years and 2 kids later!

  41. My MIL is a real winner. She is addicted to crystal meth. She called my husband after he got home from Iraq at 3am and went on a methed out rant 3/4 of which we could not understand. We are stationed in Hawaii and she is in Arizona so we couldn’t exactly go there for an intervention but my Husband sent her an intervention letter instead. My Step MIL is also a piece of work. She came out to visit us in Hawaii after our baby was born. She wanted to take pictures of my baby latching onto my breast and was planning on putting it up on facebook. She also took down the curtains in our bedroom because she wanted more light in. I made muffins one morning and she only ate one. I offered her more and she said no. Then she went to Walmart with my FIL and my husband and proceeded to complain about how hungry she was. She turned the AC in our bedroom off and then complained about how hot it was in the room. There were incidents like this the entire week she was here. The day she left could not come fast enough.

  42. My MIL & I got along fine before I got pregnant & her son & I got married. We now have two children together. He has a child from a previous marriage as well. She has always favored the child from the previous marriage & I cannot for the life of me figure out why !! We both (the ex & I) lived equally the same difference from her for over 2 years. She would meet the ex-wife and/or ask to get the other child and would even come pick her up. She HAS NEVER gone out of her way to see my children & they have NEVER stayed with her without my husband and myself being there also…She “made amends” with me last December, but immediately went right back to being her same old self … SO frustrating … I care more for my children’s sake than mine ( I could really care less), but especially my oldest daughter with my husband, who is now 5 and constantly asks why her grandma never gets her … **SIGH**

  43. My MIL tends to believe that I stole her son from her, also she blames my parents for it too! All because she believes that she should be living with us because she is a widow and “sick”. When we refused to live with her she started telling everyone that her son abandoned her! She started spreading rumors everywhere that we are horrible people. How badly we’re treating her and just threw her our on the streets. Which is absolutely not true! Also she wants everyone to believe that she is very sick and can’t do a lot of things on her own. Which is also not true at all. We have caught her pretending to be sick numerous times. It’s quite amusing sometimes. For example: She would be vising us and we would leave the house for a couple hours. Meaning she is home alone. And when we come back and walk in the door, her wheelchair would be standing next to the couch and she would be in the bathroom without her wheelchair! LOL
    The fact that I confronted her about it a couple time really pissed her off. Now she hates me even more. I just don’t understand how can you pretend to me sick in front of your loved ones?? This is unacceptable to me!

  44. My mother in law and I do NOT get a long at all. the first time I met her she screaming like a crazy person at the top of her lungs at my brother in law, and I turned and looked at my husband (he was my boyfriend at the time and I had just turned 16) and said is this normal? And he said yes. This woman is nuts. Every time I would visit my husbands house I wouldn’t say hi to her because she scared me ( I didn’t want to get yelled at). And she would yell at my husband for absolutely ludicrous stuff. For example my husband and his brother took her to see transformers when it came out and after the movie was over she yelled at them for taking her to it because they knew she wouldn’t like it. A more recent crazy encounter with my mil and I had to do with her birthday. I bought her one of those silly cards that say “happy birthday be the queen for the day” “sit down and relax”, stuff like that, and I also bought her a nice candle. well while my husband was home on r&r she told him that I was being facetious by buying her that card and covertly calling her a b****. which I was not because I wouldn’t go out of my way to be mean to someone, especially on their birthday. Needless to say she is still crazy and we do not get along and I absolutely DREAD when she comes to visit. Ugh :P

  45. I get a long with both of my in laws now BUT… When my husband’s dad found out we were getting married he forbid anyone on that side of the family to go to our wedding because we were “too young.” They never did but his dad certainly has a lot of regrets…

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