I make no secret that I am a huge iCarly fan (and before that I was hooked on Drake & Josh) and have been for sometime. I had heard some talk that the First Lady Michelle Obama was supposed to make an appearance on there but had forgotten about it until I saw a clip recently and then realized it came on last night.
I had a chance to watch and I thought the episode was pretty good. The story basically centers around the fact that Carly’s dad is away in the military and her pals were trying to plan a way for the Dad to be there via a webcam set up. In going through the motions to get this high tech meeting set up ,somehow the First lady gets wind of it and shows up at iCarly’s door.
Some said the episode was alittle to serious and while it was more on the weighty side , keep in mind there was a message there and a thank you to our military families.
I have already seen various comments where people are bashing her appearance on the show and quite frankly what is the big damn deal? I am amazed at how in the political world one person does something and folks make no mention or reaction to it, yet when another does it all of a sudden everyone gets amnesia that it’s been done before and now this big negative deal is made out of it. In this case Michelle Obama is not the first to appear on a television show as I remember very well Nancy Reagan appearing on an episode of “Different Strokes”. Other first ladies have appeared on shows too. Frankly I think it’s pretty cool that we have a younger mom with school age kids (who if many of us gave a chance we could actually relate to just a bit) who is willing to appear on shows that many of our children watch.
As a military spouse any acknowledgement of our military and chance for the public to get an idea of what we endure on a daily basis gets a gold star from me.
Politics aside is it such a big deal that the “First Lady” appeared on iCarly?
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I thought it was a great episode. And I am not going to lie, I teared up a little when she was talking about them supporting Carly’s dad. I think it is a nice message for everyone out there because lately it is so easy to forget what is still going on overseas and that many families are still missing their loved ones who are deployed.
Let me start off by saying I love reading your blogs. :)
Before I read this one, I (being a younger Army wife) thought Michelle Obama was the first First Lady to appear on a tv show and thought to myself “Maybe the Obamas are more into the fame than being into actual politics.” However, after reading your article, was surprised to know other First Ladies have been on tv shows.
I admit, I enjoy watching iCarly on occasion. I am glad there’s finally a show that kids can relate to who have parent(s) in the military, and don’t think it’s that big a deal Michelle made an appearance. From what little I’ve read/seen, I think Mrs. Obama is a great role model; why SHOULD it be a big deal she was on iCarly??
Didn’t watch it yet but assumed it would he on her get moving campaign but I think this sounds even better. My husband was complaining that tax dollars were used to fund a trip to tape this but she is ALWAYS traveling so I don’t think that part probably makes a bit of difference. I think it’s probably a political move as we are approaching reelection time but I reallly don’t care, I like that something like this draws my kids into talking about not only the topic she addresses but also a little about politics in general.
I wish I knew this came on! I love iCarly and totally don’t care what “politics” come about with it.
PS- I love Drake & Josh too ;-)
People need to lightened up my gosh, Go Michelle Obama!
It seems like people just have NO life. They want to scrutinize and criticize everything! Ohh the first lady wore shorts (damn, she was on vacation) ohh the first lady is wearing pink nail polish; the first lady is spending time with her kids. I mean seriously! What they want her to do, lay upon a gold chaise lounger in the white house eating Ferrero Rocher chocolates all day?! I agree Krys, it’s nice to have a younger first lady with young children. She is very involved in alot of things. I’m with you Krys, it’s not a big deal!
My daughter and I enjoyed watching this show together. We talked how it felt to have her father away and how other military children must feel too. It was a great conversation tool. Thanks Mrs. Obama!
I watched the episode and was just as excited as the kids to see First Lady Obama. The show was not too serious but did bring to light that families with mothers or fathers away in the service may be going through hard times and need support. That touched me. The fact that the First Lady made an appearance to re-iterate the message and her agenda of supporting military families was so FANTASTIC! This is just one of the unique ways the Obamas reach into households and become relatable!!
I think it is great she went on the show! Not sure why anyone would have a problem with it.
I think it was Great!!!!! They are human and fun and she is someone they young ppl can relate to…I love it!!!
I think it’s cool the Icarly cast visited some bases too, including mine, although I didn’t get that memo in time to actually go see them, but plenty of people did! It’s great that she’s on there and I’m glad that it had some hype behind it. People can find fault in anything, so boo on them, and ‘yay’ on the spotlight towards military families ! :)