I have fond memories of watching my mom in her kitchen, happily cooking as music played. While breathing in delicious aromas, I patiently waited for the big question, “Do you want to lick the spoon?”
If you grew up with a mom like mine, you know that love can be demonstrated through sharing food. On your birthday, she’ll prepare your favorite dish. If you’re sick, she’ll whip up some warm soup. If someone has just gotten out of the hospital, she’ll bring dinner over at 5, and of course that includes dessert.
Magic Ingredients

As an adult and milspouse, I’ve adopted these values. Never underestimate the restorative powers of a warm meal that you didn’t have to cook for yourself.
While stationed in Germany, I discovered a warm community of milspouses, most of us far from home. We banded together and became a family. If someone was new to the neighborhood, we welcomed them with baked goods. When a friend had a baby, we set up a meal train. When a family underwent a PCS, we provided dinner. My next door neighbor, Mareike and I, used to share food over the fence in our backyard, just because we liked each other so much.
My milspouse friends are now scattered across the globe, but we remain in touch. As I watch them experience life changes such as a new baby or a PCS, I wish I could help by taking care of dinner for the night.
Dream Dinners ShareCrate
Distance now prevents me from hand-delivering food to my friends, but luckily I’ve discovered Dream Dinners ShareCrate.
These care packages include three complete family dinners, each with easy-to-follow, step-by-step cooking instructions. One meal is a cook-from-frozen option that goes straight from the freezer to the oven. Two additional meals are to be placed in the refrigerator to thaw and prepare, as needed during the week. The crates are portioned as medium (2-3 people) and large (5-6 people). Each meal is made with wholesome ingredients, and meals can be fully prepared in less than 30 minutes. Each crate includes Creamy Chicken Florentine Tortellini, Sesame Glazed Meatballs, and Honey Garlic Orange Chicken. Pretty brilliant idea isn’t it?
5 Reasons To Share Food with ShareCrate
It’s great to know that you can still stay connected to your milspouse friends by filling stomachs and warming hearts. Here are just five of the many reasons to send your friends a ShareCrate:
- They are PCSing.
- They are welcoming a new baby.
- They are dealing with deployment.
- They are experiencing a hardship.
- Because you are an incredible friend, and can no longer do this yourself.
Who Are You Loving With Food Today?
In addition to helping friends and family, for every ShareCrate sent, a meal will be donated to a child in need. To learn more about this thoughtful product including pricing and delivery area availability, please visit https://lovingwithfood.com/.
This is a sponsored post on behalf of Dream Dinners ShareCrate. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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