We moved, we’re in our home and now we are waiting for our household goods and the savings is almost depleted…find out my thoughts here:


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7 Comments on Household Goods Waiting Game & Watching the Money Fly Away!

  1. Hey there! THANK YOU! for doing these videos. We are on the lst 3 months of recruiting and are about to do our 2nd PCS move in the 8 yrs we’ve been in the Army. We still don’t have orders anywhere and we know he does have a spot locked in for school in GA. I’m freakin out with anxiety about the whole thing. I at least know a little more what to look for trouble or help wise through you. Thanks again and good luck getting through! -Charity B.

  2. Crystal, does ACS not do the loaner thing at Ft Bragg (ie pots and pans and such?). On the loaner furniture, I guess they all expect us to get temporarily “outfitted” furniture-wise at Walmart or possibly second-hand…and since this option doesn’t exist overseas here in Europe, they do give us loaner stuff…but even that they are starting to crack down on. We used to be able to keep it our entire three year tour…now they want to take it away after you get your household goods….whether you brought all your furniture or not.

  3. Thanks so much Charity for stopping by , it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you have a easy successful PCS.

    @Life Lessons Hey There! Last time I checked Fort Bragg does have a loaner closet but from what I have been told if you live offpost then you are not privy to it. Yeah I can see they are getting real stingy around these bases lol! Thanks for stopping in :)

  4. We are at Bragg and were able to use the lending closet and live off post. We live 30-40 minutes from post. We ended up spending very little out of pocket because we were able to get most of what we needed from them.

  5. I hate waiting for household goods. Hopefully you never have to move overseas! We came from Europe, Our house was packed up January 27 and our goods won’t be here till end of April( our car should finally be arriving at the same time). Luckily we did unaccompanied baggage so we have some household stuff which was just delivered last wednesday. We arrived on the island feb 10th. Our savings never existed. We found out Jan12th we were landing on the island Feb 10th so there was no time to save extra money. Our movers packed all off our spices also. We just bought salt and pepper until our unaccompanied came. We sent a few spices with that but the rest will be with our HHGs. I refuse to buy new ones since they are so expensive.

  6. I am so glad I found this website. I am getting some really useful information. We will be leaving Hawaii at the end of April TDY en route to pcs..I was pissed when I found that out. So I already have a headache thinking about it. Not my first move but my first Oconus to Conus. Thx agin

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