So as you know we’re pcs’ing (moving for those who are non military) to Fort Bragg and are in the process of deciding whether to live on or offpost.

The other day I had posted on a group for Fort Bragg Wives asking about areas in Raeford NC to live as well as the schools and so forth. As I was typing it hit me ” oh snap I can’t believe I am doing this crap again, I’m really PCS’ing and actually considering living offpost!”

I think back to the the times when we moved before how you sweat all those details…how are the schools?, how is the neighborhood? , how are the people in the neighborhood etc and then a year later you sit and think about it like wow I had to go through all of that to get to where I am at now. For instance when I came to Hawaii , I was worried about living in civil war era housing, or my house being on top of a volcano and none of that stuff happened. I came here and no volcanos( well I’m not on one I don’t think), no 1800’s housing, all was good.

So here it is 2 months out from us moving and I have a million questions. Right now I really want to hear from the Ft Bragg people and Offpost ladies. Share with Army Wife 101 everything you know about Bragg, tell me what’s changed in the area (because I moved from Fayetteville in 2006) and tell me everything you would tell a new person coming to the area.

Hooah & Smooches



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9 Comments on I’m Really Moving & And All My Fort Bragg Spouses I Need You!!!!

  1. Hey I joined a facebook group! They have an entire section dedicated to this topic! And I joined that site too! :P

  2. Hey there! I love your blog, it is always so informative and helpful! I’m so happy to have a chance to help you out in return!

    I’m an army wife at Ft Bragg, I’ve lived here for 6 years and I am ALSO a real estate agent. I would love to help you out with anything you need regarding local info. Even if you’re not looking to buy a home here I will gladly do anything I can to help your move here go more smoothly. Please feel free to email me or call me! My cel number is 910-709-0729. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  3. We live off post, I like the freedom it brings. We live in Hope Mills and will say that the Grays Creek, Jack Britt or Eastover areas is where I would have went if I new better. They have good schools. Being in Hope Mills the schools here I am not found of, so we attend a private school, Fayetteville Christian which was heaven sent in education. We have been here 6 years as well, I am a stay at home mom of 3 sons, sub at our school and teach people how to do things with their photos, and lead bible studies. Anything I can do to help let me know.

    I totally prefer to live off post.

    Have a Merry Christmas!!

  4. We’ve been here for about a year and the waiting list for on-post housing was upto a year for us, so we opted to live off post. We chose to live in the Southern Pines/Aberdeen area. It is about 30 minutes to post, but concidering the wait most people have at the gate during rush hour, it about evens out. It is quiet and SAFE which was important to me with my hubby being gone all the time. My daughter is excelling in school, and from what I hear the Southern Pine School District is better than the Aberdeen. Good luck with your move!

  5. You are so incredibly lucky to be moving!! I want off this island so bad I can taste it!! How long have you been in Hawaii?? Just trying to figure out how soon we can put in a request to transfer (DD Form 4187)!! I know we have to be here at least a year!! Fingers crossed we can get up out of here! This has been my least favorite duty station thus far!!! Thanks!


  6. DH and I live in Raeford! It’s really nice, actually. We live on the Hoke/Cumberland County line off Lindsay :) We were stationed here in ’08 and lived off Cliffdale in Fayetteville and couldn’t stand it, so we opted for Raeford and we get to post via Wayside and Chicken. Only drawback to that is, you have to leave at like 5am to avoid all the backedup traffic even on Chicken!! Skibo is prolly even busier than back in ’06, and is a mad house when the Army has the day off….

  7. I second the Southern Pines area. It is beautiful and safe unlike the ghetto of Fayetteville. Carolina LAkes and Carolina Trace going north on 87 towards Sanford are also very nice areas and excellent schools. We currently live off post but on post housing. Were towards SAnford about 7 miles from the gate of Bragg in Linden Oaks. We have our own DoD schools out here as well. I LOVE the housing. Its all brand new. They have a food lion, pizza place, subway, mcds, taco bell, kfc, and chinese food place right across the street and they are still building up here. From rumors and word of mouth they are talking about building a Target and shopping center. They have started building something right next to the neighborhood entrance but I have NO idea what it is yet. In Linden Oaks we have 2 pools, 2 community centers, a kid center for hanging out and they are building a cdc. Its about a 15-20 min drive into Fayetteville(Skibo) or Sanford. They have a website if you want to check out the places. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. We were stationed in Hawaii before moving here so I feel your pain. When we got here I felt that I had left some third world country and am back is civilization. :) Have a safe trip!

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