Stefany Dresh is an army wife, part time 3rd shift worker and a stay at home mom of two little ones living in Pennsylvania. She enjoys going to the gym and making homemade desserts just to eat the batter. 

My husband is a recruiter for the Army National Guard. After being in service for 13 years , he decided to try something new. My husband is not a people person. He was at one time a drill sergeant. So just imagine going into a position where you need to talk to people, approach people, get everyone you speak to to trust you. It was hard. The transition into the lifestyle was a complete change.


We decided recruiting would be a good opportunity for him and our family , but sometimes I question that. Every month is up in the air as to if he made mission or not. And by the middle of the month if he hasn’t gotten any enlistments in it means even longer days , and 7 day work weeks. My husband misses a lot of family time, a lot of moments with our two kids ,and it is such a struggle because I want him home to experience what I get to everyday, but he can’t. Sometimes I think it is worse than a deployment because he is home and only seeing him when it’s time to sleep is harder than knowing he is gone for a year. Sometimes I’d rather know what we have in store for us for the next entire year then living day by day, sometimes hour by hour.

The Can’ts And The Good

I can’t even plan weekend trips or vacations because it isn’t possible.
I don’t want to complain. The military has given us the opportunity to do things we never thought we would be able to do. When I am having a bad day and I feel like it just isn’t going to work, I try to  remember all the good that has come out of this experience. I remember the house that we were able to buy with a VA loan, the ability to stay home and only work part time to see my children grow , and the experience and growth my husband is experiencing in such a different role.

At The End Of The Day

My point is simple. When it gets rough and you get frustrated with the late nights, flying solo to family events and vacationless summers…remember you’re in it together and you’re the one holding that family together. Give yourself a pat on the back; you deserve it because I know I do.



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Krystel is the mom of two and an Army Wife. In addition to Army Wife 101 she is the Co-Founder of a digital media agency that connects brands with the military market. She has appeared on MSNBC ,FOX LA and formerly was a weekly contributor to HLN's "Raising America". She has written for various outlets including Sheknows and Lifetime and is a big fan of cupcakes and french fries.

1 Comment on Married To A Recruiter: One Military Spouse’s Thoughts On Life As A Recruiter’s Wife

  1. My husband received orders to report to the Army Recruiter Course in May. My question is: At what point did you find out where you were being sent? I find the uncertainty the most frustrating aspect, so far. The sooner I know where we’ll be relocated, the sooner I can start looking into a new school to complete my degree.

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