The Before
The After

As much as I whine and moan at times that I am tired of moving around so often and having to start over, I will venture to say I am full of crap.

I have thought about it time and time again, and the truth is I love moving simply because I get to start over. I consider the house I get at my new duty station to be my “blank canvas”. Think about it , you get this new place (ok maybe not new but new to you), new walls, new layout and just a new fresh start in life.

When I move I do stupid things for this blank canvas like:

Look up new recipes because I get to cook in a new kitchen (although that fizzles out after a few months)

Go on a diet and walk because I am in a new neighborhood (that usually last about a week)

Get excited about going to the commissary because it’s new to me and I can’t wait to restock my cabinets ( I hate going after that)

Buy an excess supply of yard and garden tools only never to use them

Buy a bunch of wall decor that never makes it up on the wall

Deep clean daily ( haaaa …again not daily for long)

That is just part of my list. I am sure I will have plenty of pictures and video to show you more of the stupid things I do in my new home when I arrive at Fort Bragg.

So tell me is moving into a new place for you like a blank canvas, what things do you do or buy out of the sheer excitement of starting over?

Feel free to share in the comment section below.

Hooah & Smooches

Army Wife 101



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5 Comments on Moving In the Military is Like Getting A Blank Canvas

  1. I have been at my current duty station WAY TO LONG, but I am a little excited to try a new style at our new duty station this summer.
    Krystel, I just want to thank you for all the information you have given about Hawaii. We are headed there in June. I am not really looking foward to it, living in Europe for years and years, but I will make the best of it. I know the people I meet will really make the duty station, so I look foward to meeting new friends and having new experiences.
    It is a little sad to think that the lady writing one of my favorite blogs to read will not be in Hawaii when I get there, but I know that you are excited to get off the island. I wish you much luck in your new duty station, and happy decorating!

  2. I am moving in May, and I could not be more excited to get the heck out of Ft Drum!!! We are going to Recruiting Duty either in FL or CA. Either way, I don’t care. The housing here is ridiculously small, and I can’t wait to just get a bigger house. I have been buying new stuff for the past two years and stockpiling it in my garage for the “new house”…lol. Got to do something to keep my spirits up! Bragg isn’t too bad. Atleast you are close to the beach.

  3. @Amber yes I definitely am in Hawaii lol…check out my other posts and pics on Hawaii if you get a chance.

    @Keri I know how that can be with a smaller house. LOL @stockpiling!

    @Heather thanks so much for visiting, I agree I love trying out a new theme or style when moving!

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