I received the following question via my Youtube channel:
Hi im Ariel! My boyfriend has already been through basic training and he will be going to GA in May for AIT, I think is what it is lol!

He is wanting me to go with him,but I’m young and they’re alot of questions I have  like…

What all would we have to do for it to go through?

What’s it like living on a base? How would I afford things and I was wondering if u could help me with my questions or give me some tips on how to cope…thanks sooo much!

Have more ideas , share them in the comments below…Hooah & Smooches!



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2 Comments on Ask Army Wife 101: Living Onpost & Becoming An Army Spouse

  1. Great advice Crystal! I get this question a lot on my blog too and have two blogposts she might find of interest….

    Married a soldier, now what?

    The plight of a military girlfriend

    Generally realize that ALL wives at one point or another were in your shoes, and it is just going to be a learning process and keep doing what you are doing by reading about others’ experiences…I think Crystal has a list somewhere of other military wives blogs…plus try the Army Wives Forum at http://www.armywivesforums.com/ to connect with others ….and of course Cyrstal’s new forum (which I really need to visit)!

    Let me say that with your DH joining the military, you become a part of a larger military family…with all the good things that go with having someone in your corner, job security for your DH and all the non-monetary benefits your family will receive:-)

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