Heyyyy Yalll (Ok I’m Having a Paula Deen moment that’s how much I miss Savannah GA LOL.)

Anyhow it’s Friday and I’m in what I call my traveling mode. I absolutely love to travel and what do ya know Disney World is one of my favorite places.

I’m always amazed that so many of us don’t know about the little gem that Uncle Sam has for us .
So for those who don’t know the DOD (Dept of Defense;ahaaa another acronym) has a wonderful resort for us military folks right on the grounds of DISNEY WORLD!!!
The resort is called Shades of Green and I had the chance to stay their last August again and wanted to share my great experience.

I usually try to make my blogs short but this might get just a tad bit long so bare with me:

1. SOG is the biggest resort on the grounds of Disney. That’s amazing considering that you are paying for that luxury when you stay at some Disney’s other great hotels.

2. SOG is a deluxe Disney resort meaning that it ranks right up their with other Disney resorts like the Polynesian, or the Grand Floridian.

3. The pricing to stay at SOG is based on rank . For us it was $89 a night and guess what the best part is their is NO TAX
Check your rates here

4. There are some eligibility requirements to stay here if you or your spouse is not active you can see those here

5. The hotel is beautiful and for what you pay you are truly getting more then your monies worth. I would go indepth explaining but i’ll let you see for yourself See pics below some are mine and some I had to gather off the net because I did not get all the shots I wanted lol!
See a slideshow of SOG from allears.net here
Here are some of my pics:

6. The bathrooms are the biggest bathrooms I have seen in a hotel room and so are the rooms .. Click here

7. You will here alot of people say oh it’s not Disneyish (Ok I know that’s not a word lol) enough for me but there are hidden Mickey Gems all over … Look at my kids

Oh and there is a Mickey Pool

You can view the SOG for a list of their eateries. Personally the buffets were convenient but a bit pricey. We prefer to go to International Drive and hit up the buffets like Ponderosa or Golden Corral , it’s cheaper and leaves you money to do more in the parks.
Their is a good place on the premises of SOG called Evergreens which is pretty cheap where you can buy Pizza, hotdogs, fries etc.
8. If you need anything feel free to head down to the AAFES store in the lobby of the hotel that’s right there is a AAFES store with food , drinks and souvineers. There is also a old fashioned Ice Cream shoppe and a Starbucks.

9. Wifi access can be brought to be used in your room for about $6 a day and you can also use your laptop in the lobby. Their are also computers you can use for a fee.

10. I’ll try to pack the last few tips in here: Wives feel free to take the kids even if your spouse is away because as long as you have a ID you can sponsor yourself. You can also take a certain amount of people with you but you are responsible for them. You can also buy any tickets that you may need at the ticket counter in SOG. Yes there is bus service to the parks from SOG and you can even buy bag lunches and bag breakfast for about $3 bucks.

Well I hope my review helps you just a bit look below for some discounts and specials for military families. Click on each to check them out.
Disney’s Armed Force Salute Free Ticket
Lastly the Anheuser-Busch Hero Salute Promotion is still in effect until the end of 2009. A servicemember and his dependants can go to Seaworld or a few other parks for free just by clicking here

Hooah and Smooches
Mocha Army Wife



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